
Short command line utility to download part of a youtube video

Primary LanguageShell


Short command line utility to download part of a video available online (might not work on a few websites depending on youtube-dl abilities)


-h -help      Show this message   
-s -start     Where should the download begin (default is 00:00).
              Format HH:mm:ss.ms (HH: and .ms are optional)
              or input the number of seconds.number of ms.   
-l -length    How long the video should be.
              Format HH:mm:ss.ms (HH: and .ms are optional)
              or input the number of seconds.number of ms.   
-n -name      What the output file be named (default is current date)   
-f -format    Which should the output file be (default is mp4)  
-vcodec       Which vcodec should the output file be (default is libx265)


If you want to dowload the part of a youtube video between 00:42 and 1:00 and name it output.mp4 you can use :

yt-part -start 00:42 -length 00:18 -n output https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

If you want to download the first 30 seconds of a youtube video, and have the output file as a mkv you can use :

yt-part -length 30 -format mkv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


This programm uses yt-dlp and ffmpeg, both should be available in your respective distribution repositories :

Debian (and derivatives) : sudo apt install yt-dlp ffmpeg
Arch (and derivatives) : sudo pacman -S yt-dlp ffmpeg


You can install yt-part with the commands :

sudo cp yt-part /bin/ && sudo chmod +x /bin/yt-part


You can easily uninstall yt-part with the command :

sudo rm /bin/yt-part


This program is released under CC0 licensing, all reutilisation and modification is allowed as long as it keeps this same license