
DiscordCryptoWalletBot WIP

Primary LanguagePython


DiscordCryptoWalletBot is a Discord bot which views SafeMoon wallet info. It displays amount of SafeMoon, and the SafeMoon value in any given currency. It can also display prices for SafeMoon in any currency you wish.

How to use

Clone it to your harddrive, Install requirements.txt, Go into bot.py and change the token to the token of your bot, Activate the virtual env and start bot.py.


??wallet [wallet] [currency], example: ??wallet 0xe4E116c3144aA2be685436CB76b39C417c2902f5 USD - Shows wallet balance in safemoon and currency of your choice.

??price [currency], example: ??price NOK - Shows SafeMoon price in the currency of your choice.