
A ready to go Wayland status bar for Hyprland

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A ready to go Wayland status bar for Hyprland

If you have an issue with the transparency you could try launching ashell with WGPU_BACKEND=gl. This env var forces wgpu to use OpenGL instead of Vulkan. It seems that wgpu has some issues with AMD GPU and Vulkan transparency.

Does it only work on Hyprland?

While it's currently tailored for Hyprland, it could work with other compositors.

However, it currently relies on hyprland-rs to gather information about the active window and workspaces. I haven't implemented any feature flags to disable these functionalities or alternative methods to obtain this data.


Packaging status

Arch Linux

You can get the official Arch Linux package from the AUR:

Tagged release

paru/yay -S ashell 

Main branch

paru/yay -S ashell-git 


To install ashell using the nix package be sure to enable flakes and then run

Tagged release

nix profile install github:MalpenZibo/ashell?ref=0.1.0 

Main branch

nix profile install github:MalpenZibo/ashell 


I haven't tested ashell on NixOS.

To enable this flake use

{ pkgs, ... }:

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    (import (pkgs.callPackage (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "MalpenZibo";
      repo = "ashell";
      rev = "refs/heads/main"; # Or specify the branch/tag you need
      sha256 = "sha256-PLACEHOLDER"; # Replace with the correct hash
    }) {}).defaultPackage.x86_64-linux)

I'm not an expert and I haven't tested this configuration but I'm quite sure that if you use NixOS you are smart enough to add ashell to your configuration :D


  • Lancher button
  • OS Updates indicator
  • Hyprland Active Window
  • Hyprland Workspaces
  • System Information (CPU, RAM, Temperature)
  • Date time
  • Settings panel
    • Power menu
    • Battery information
    • Audio sources and sinks
    • Screen brightness
    • Network stuff
    • VPN
    • Bluetooth
    • Power profiles
    • Idle inhibitor
    • Airplane mode


The configuration uses the yaml file format and is named ~/.config/ashell.yml

# Ashell log level filter, possible values "DEBUG" | "INFO" | "WARNING" | "ERROR". Needs reload
logLevel: "INFO" # optional, default "INFO"
# Ashell bar position, possible values Top | Bottom. Needs reload
position: Top # optional, default Top
# App lancher commanda, it will be used to open the launcher,
# without a value the related button will not appear
appLauncherCmd: "~/.config/rofi/launcher.sh" # optional, default None 
# Update module configuration. 
# Without a value the related button will not appear.
updates: # optional, default None 
  # The check command will be used to retrieve the update list.
  # It should return something like `package_name version_from -> version_to\n`
  checkCmd: "checkupdates; paru -Qua" # required
  # The update command is used to init the OS update process
  updateCmd: "alacritty -e bash -c \"paru; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read\" &" # required
# Maximum number of chars that can be present in the window title
# after that the title will be truncated 
truncateTitleAfterLength: 150 # optional, default 150
# The system module configuration
  disabled: false # Enable or disable the system monitor module
  cpuWarnThreshold: 6O # cpu indicator warning level (default 60)
  cpuAlertThreshold: 8O # cpu indicator alert level (default 80)
  memWarnThreshold: 7O # mem indicator warning level (default 70)
  memAlertThreshold: 85 # mem indicator alert level (default 85)
  tempWarnThreshold: 6O # temperature indicator warning level (default 60)
  tempAlertThreshold: 8O # temperature indicator alert level (default 80)
# Clock module configuration
  # clock format see: https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html 
  format: "%a %d %b %R" # optional, default: %a %d %b %R
# Settings module configuration
  # command used for lock the system
  # without a value the related button will not appear 
  lockCmd: "hyprlock &" # optional, default None 
  # command used to open the sinks audio settings 
  # without a value the related button will not appear 
  audioSinksMoreCmd: "pavucontrol -t 3" # optional default None 
  # command used to open the sources audio settings
  # without a value the related button will not appear 
  audioSourcesMoreCmd: "pavucontrol -t 4" # optional, default None 
  # command used to open the network settings 
  # without a value the related button will not appear 
  wifiMoreCmd: "nm-connection-editor" # optional, default None
  # command used to open the VPN settings 
  # without a value the related button will not appear 
  vpnMoreCmd: "nm-connection-editor" # optional, default None 
  # command used to open the Bluetooth settings  
  # without a value the related button will not appear 
  bluetoothMoreCmd: "blueman-manager" # optional, default None 
# Appearance config 
# Each color could be a simple hex color like #228800 or an 
# object that define a base hex color and two optional variant of that color (a strong one and a weak one)
# and the text color that should be used with that base color
# example:
# backgroundColor:
#   base: #448877
#   strong: #448888 -- optional default autogenerated from base color
#   weak: #448855 -- optional default autogenarated from base color
#   text: #ffffff -- optional default base text color
    backgroundColor: "#1e1e2e" # used as a base background color for header module button
    primaryColor: "#fab387" # used as a accent color
    secondaryColor: "#11111b" # used for darker background color 
    successColor: "#a6e3a1" # used for success message or happy state
    dangerColor: "#f38ba8" # used for danger message or danger state (the weak version is used for the warning state
    textColor: "#f38ba8" # base default text color
    # this is a list of color that will be used in the workspace module (one color for each monitor)
      - "#fab387" 
      - "#b4befe"

So, what's the purpose of this project?

While, I could have used waybar that's for sure is a a great project but I wanted something more sophisticated with submenus and other stuff.

I tried with other great projects like eww but instead of writing or copy-paste eww configurations I prefered to create my Wayland bar.

So, I copy-pasted from iced pop-os fork created a layer to interact with wayland layer shell protocol from iced Iced SCTK and I started to create this project.

So feel free to fork this project and customize it for your needs or you could try to compile and use it.

Some screenshots

I will try my best to keep these screenshots as updated as possible but some details could be different