
Serial Adapter, modified version with PTC fuse & schottky diode


Serial Adapter

This is a modified version of the famous Adafruit FTDI Friend, which has the advantage that you can change the signal and power lines separately to be either 3.3V or 5V.

For short circuit protection a PTC fuse (200mA, 0805 package) has been added. There is also a schottky diode (SOD-323 package) in the VCC output path, protecting the USB port from reverse current flow. (Target powered while computer switched off)

It has become a very useful tool during software development on my DIY Moteino R6. While there is also an open sourced FTDI Adapter board, it lacks of the features mentioned above when compared to the commercial revision R3.

Parts used:

  • Fuse F1: 0ZCK0020FF2G (Mouser), FSMD020-0805-R (Reichelt) or equivalent
  • Schottky Diode D1: CUS10F30 (Mouser), NSR0320MW2T1G (Reichelt, Mouser) or equivalent



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Designed by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.

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