Chrome Developer Tools extension for debugging Backbone.js applications
- 1
[feature request] clear cache
#27 opened by keriati - 1
debugger not starting after chrome update
#52 opened by yashari01 - 2
tabId undefined in background.js:29
#51 opened by rheum - 8
No __backboneAgent value present on window
#46 opened by scott-cornwell - 1
Brainstorm New UI
#34 opened by Maluen - 3
- 2
Can I see properties on a view object?
#47 opened by g-patel - 24
- 2
#45 opened by kohinsky46 - 1
<div class="cp-printerdetailscontent-advanced-button goog-zippy-header goog-zippy-expanded" tabindex="0" role="tab" aria-expanded="true">Advanced Details</div>
#44 opened by kohinsky46 - 7
Backbone Layoutmanager
#43 opened by arfa - 1
Infinite loop in watch.js:64
#28 opened by TheBox193 - 9
0.2.5 Loading
#23 opened by brock - 2
Restart in Debug Mode causes exception
#13 opened by billsaysthis - 1
Group and filter app components
#5 opened by Maluen - 12
Using RequireJS, get this error
#41 opened by ORESoftware - 2
On Collection sync, Models are added, not updated
#17 opened by jimbuck - 8
Difficulty loading iframes with 0.3.0 release
#38 opened by adamsea - 2
Add commonjs support
#37 opened by michaelBenin - 3
- 3
Hanging at "Waiting for Backbone..."
#40 opened by bard - 23
Always in debug mode?
#10 opened by minmur - 5
- 1
Loader.js file has a console warning
#35 opened by specialorange - 7
Add View Tree
#32 opened by jasonLaster - 5
How to use this extension?
#15 opened by ivandotv - 1
Appropriate naming
#20 opened by cstewart87 - 2
Add View Info Panel
#33 opened by jasonLaster - 2
Add Unit Tests
#30 opened by jasonLaster - 12
How to use the tool in online environments where context needs to be specified?
#24 opened by specialorange - 3
[feature request] Statistics
#26 opened by devel-pa - 6
Backbone objects not showing up
#25 opened by monkeyben - 4
Deleting collections
#19 opened by piecioshka - 2
Infinite warning when enabling debugger
#21 opened by hovsater - 7
Fail to switch view with debugger on
#16 opened by rubenvereecken - 3
Nowhere to donate
#18 opened by maxbeatty - 3
- 5
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined when adding a model to a collection after initialization
#14 opened by fadomire - 8
Shorter title shown in the devtools
#12 opened by varemenos - 10
Does Backbone-Debugger work with RequireJS?
#11 opened by Gijsjan - 4
Uncaught EvalError
#9 opened by blocka - 4
- 5
Times in Actions Table shown as NaN:NaN:NaN
#6 opened by rseiffert - 3
- 21
Add support for Backbone defined via AMD
#1 opened by Maluen