
An API for receiving and parsing P2000 messages.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Piton 2000

Special equipment is required to run these scripts, see the Setup section for more info.

Piton 2000 is a service that can connect to the Dutch P2000 network to monitor the messages send by alarm centers to the Fire Departments, Police stations, Ambulance services or the KNRM(Royal Dutch Coast Guard).
Build with Python 2.7.15


This section features some small examples on how to use or extend these scripts.

Custom Reader

import p2000.rtlsdr as rtlsdr
from p2000.rtlsdr import AbstractReader

class MyReader(AbstractReader):

    def act(self, raw):
        line = self.create_line(raw)
        if self.is_line_blacklisted(line):
            print("== LINE IS BLACKLISTED ==")

connection = rtlsdr.Connection()
reader = MyReader()

Fetching Units

from p2000 import Region, Discipline
from p2000.storage.units import Scraper

# Scraping for a single Region.
scraper = Scraper(Region.FRIESLAND)
units = scraper.get_units(Discipline.FIRE_DEPARTMENT)

for discipline in units:
    print("{0} Size = {1}".format(

Writing and Searching Units to and from the database.

from p2000 import Region, Discipline
from p2000.storage.units import Scraper, Connection

# Fetching the raw data.
scraper = Scraper(Region.FRIESLAND)
units = scraper.get_units(Discipline.FIRE_DEPARTMENT)

# Open the Database.
connection = Connection().establish()
# Write a single unit.
# Or write all the units.
# Search for multiple units, a limit can be set as wel, default limit is unlimited.
units = connection.find_units("0300050", limit=10)


I am using Ubuntu 18.04 for this setup, i haven't tested any other Linux versions!!!

It is only possible to use this service if you have a certain USB radio + antenna.

Or you could get it anywhere else, as long as it has the RTL2832U chipset and a R820T tuner, this makes it possible to function as a generic radio.

To actually get some input from the device we need to jump through some hoops, follow my lead.

  • Install the required libraries:
sudo apt-get -y install cmake build-essential libusb-1.0 qt4-qmake libpulse-dev libx11-dev qt4-default
git clone https://github.com/osmocom/rtl-sdr.git
  • Install the rtl-sdr package.
cd rtl-sdr/
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
  • Blacklist drivers
    Some people are reporting problems with conflicting drivers, so you might want to do this as a precaution.
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Add the following lines:

blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
blacklist rtl2832
blacklist rtl2830

Now reboot for the changes to take effect:

sudo reboot -h 0
  • Test rtl-sdr
    Run the rtl_test command, your output should look something like this:
    Found X device(s):, where X is the amount of devices found. rtl_test output

Now we can communicate with the antenna, but now we need to listen to the P2000 service.
According to wikipedia P2000 is a FLEX protocol that broadcasts on the 169,650 Mhz band.
Conclusion, we need some software that can decode the FLEX protocol, for this we use Multimon-NG.

git clone https://github.com/EliasOenal/multimon-ng
  • Prepare the build
cd multimon-ng
mkdir build
cd build
  • Multimong-NG can be build with either Cmake or Qmake, in my case i used Cmake.

    • Cmake
      cmake ..
      sudo make install
    • Qmake
      qmake ../multimon-ng.pro
      sudo make install

Now we are ready to test the device, if you have a stick with a R820T tuner use this command with optimized ppm(-p) and gain(-g) settings. The API itself relies on the R820T tuner.

rtl_fm -f 169.65M -M fm -s 22050 -p 83 -g 30 | multimon-ng -a FLEX -t raw /dev/stdin

Else, use this.

rtl_fm -f 169.65M -M fm -s 22050 | multimon-ng -a FLEX -t raw /dev/stdin

If all went well your output should look something like this:
P2000 output 1

It shouldn't take long for alarms to appear:
P2000 output 2

Now, we need to setup the repo itself.
All the settings are located at ./resources/config.json.

First, install the requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt

This service can store units in a MongoDB database, i have included one that can easily be build with Docker.
This docker image holds a MongoDB database on a Ubuntu 16.04 image, the image exposes local port 27021 to be used for trafic. This does not allow the container to be accessed from outside of your localhost.

Build the image from the included Dockerfile.

docker build -f ./resources/Dockerfile -t p2000_mongodb .

And start it with:

docker run --name p2000_mongodb p2000_mongodb

Verify that it is running:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
bb1d860d0429        312a09e4f985        "/entrypoint.sh mong…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours          27017/tcp           p2000_mongodb