
Tileset for Unciv in Civ6 Strategic View Style

MIT LicenseMIT

preview Tileset for Unciv in Civ6 Strategic View Style (Compatible with Civ6 Mod)

Work in Progress

Tileset is based on HexaRealm, so it still uses some of its sprites at the moment

For the best visual experience, it is recommended to use Civ 5 Icons mod - https://github.com/vegeta1k95/Civ-5-Icons FOR VANILLA and G&K

or Civ6 Icons - https://github.com/EmperorPinguin/Civ6-Icons and Civ6 Stat Icons - https://github.com/EmperorPinguin/Civ6-Stat-Icons FOR CIV6 MOD

If you want to help in the development with your advice, then you are welcome to the topic - https://discord.com/channels/586194543280390151/1089123839797100614