
Testing in class work for ISP

Primary LanguagePython

Continuous Integration Demo

Unittest for statistics Test for flake8 codecov

This project demonstrates use of Github Actions to build and test a Python project.

Automatic Testing

  1. Create a repository on Github containing this starter code
  2. Add a Github Action to run unit tests.
  3. Pull from Github so your local repositry has the action (update your local repo).
  4. The Github Action should initially fail.
    • Fix the code and tests locally until they pass on your machine.
    • Push the fix to Github.
    • Observe how Github automatically reruns your Action and updates the badge.
  5. Add a Github "Badge" showing test status to this README.


  1. Create a separate Github Action for flake8 and flake8-docstrings.
  2. Modify the action so that it does exit with a non-zero exit code when errors are found.
  3. Pull the Github repo, again.
  4. Fix the style problems until your code passes flake8.
  5. Push to Github.

Code Coverage (Not Done Yet)

Use Github to perform code coverage and generate a report. This will help you find places where you need to improve your tests.

  1. Modify your Github Action for unit tests to run tests with code coverage
  2. Send a coverage report (as xml) to https://codecov.io
  3. Add a Codecov badge to this README