Final project for 2023's 219114/115 Programming I

1.) Files in this repository

3. persons.csv
4. login.csv
5. member_pending_table.csv
6. advisor_pending_table.csv

    • class ConvertCsv: This class is used to convert csv files into table.
    • class Database: This class is a database used to store objects created from the Table class. You can also pull out tables from this class object to use.
    • class Table: This class is used to store a list of dictionaries in an object. This class also provide users with useful methods make data management easier.

    • class Admin: This class has can edit, update, view, insert and delete every table in the database.
    • class Student: This class has methods corresponding to the action a student role can do.
    • class Lead: After the student creates a project they are then given the lead role. In this role, they are given new sets of actions.
    • class Member: This class Inherits from the Lead class since all the actions in this class are what the Lead can already do, although this role has a more limited set of actions.
    • class Faculty: This class has methods corresponding to the actions a faculty can do.
    • class Advisor: This class Inherits from the Faculty class. Once a faculty have accepted the become an advisor, they are changed to this role This class can do everything the faculty can do, but this role can also Approve or Deny the students' projects.

    Additional functions in

    • initializing: This functions creates and store all the tables needed for the program.
    • login: This function prompts the user to input their username and password then returns their id and role in a list.
    • exit_program: This function runs at the end when a user is no longer using the program. It updates and store the changes made from the tables in the database in .csv files.
  3. persons.csv

    • Contains information about persons
  4. login.csv

    • Contains information about login data
  5. member_pending_table.csv

    • Store information about pending members
  6. advisor_pending_table.csv

    • Store information about pending advisors

    • a list of todos

    • Proposals from final project part 1

    • Explains about the project in depth

2.) How to run this project

1. Clone this repo on your local IDE
2. Run
3. Login to any account
4. Do you tasks corresponding to your role
5. Exit the program once you are finished
6. See the changes made corresponding to what you did in the csv files

3.) Table

This tables shows classes and methods each role goes through to do the actions
Role Action Method Class Completion percentage
Admin View table check_table Admin 100%
Admin Edit table edit_table Admin 100%
Admin Insert a new dictionary into table insert_dict Admin 100%
Admin delete a dictionary from table delete_dict Admin 100%
Student Create a project create_project Student 100%
Student See pending request to become member see_pending_request Student 100%
Student Accept or deny to become member accept_or_deny_request Student 100%
Student Send a request to become a member send_request Student 100%
Lead See their project's status see_project_status Lead 100%
Lead See their project's information see_project_info Lead 100%
Lead Modify their project's information modify_project_info Lead 100%
Lead See member request response see_request_response Lead 100%
Lead Send member request to a student send_member_request Lead 100%
Lead Send advisor request to a faculty send_advisor_request Lead 100%
Lead Send advisor request to a faculty send_advisor_request Lead 100%
Member See their project's status see_project_status Member 100%
Member See their project's information see_project_info Member 100%
Member See member request response see_request_response Member 100%
Faculty View all projects view_all_projects Faculty 100%
Faculty See pending advisor request for them see_advisor_request Faculty 100%
Faculty Accept or deny request accept_or_deny_request Faculty 100%
Advisor View all projects view_all_projects Advisor 100%
Advisor Change the project status for their project change_project_status Advisor 100%

4.) Missing features and Outstanding bugs

  1. Missing features

    • No private comment sending method for the advisor role to send to the group.
    • More in depth grading system for advisors and faculties. This will allow Faculties and advisor to grade projects beyond just the current Approve And denying the project
  2. Known Bugs

    • For all the roles, if you do not use the exit in the program the csv files will not update according to the changes made in your table
    • Students can send request and accept themselves into the group

If there are any further questions please contact me via email,