This is a port of the game Crash Bandicoot to C.
The code is designed to compile for both psx and pc. At the moment only pc-specific code is working. Furthermore the code will only compile for 32-bit targets; 64-bit is not yet supported.
- Code - 100% ported; mostly untested
- Functionality - 30%
At the moment the game is only partially playable. Current issues include:
- collision issues
- inaccurate object lighting/colors
- failure to render some objects
- camera lag
- incorrect display list ordering of objects
- unimplemented transparency
- no rejection of object geometry outside of viewing frustum
- crash upon occurrence of various events (death, collecting 3 doctor, etc.)
- various GOOL issues
- different behavior when compiled with optimization flags
Sound has been disabled as it is not yet working, however the code is present.
As of currently, compilation has only been tested on 32-bit Debian. However, the game should build on any 32-bit system with a working GNU toolchain and other dependencies listed below.
- gcc / binutils / glibc
- GNU make
- OpenGL 2.0 or higher
- SDL 2
- SDL_Mixer 2.0
- FluidSynth
- Freetype (for in-game UI)
sudo apt install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libfluidsynth-dev libfreetype-dev
(note: psx build currently does not work)
- Psy-Q
To run c1, cd
into the main project directory and run ./c1
Copies of the asset files from the Crash Bandicoot game disc are needed for the game to function. Asset files are the (.NSD/.NSF) files located in the /S0
, /S1
, /S2
, and /S3
directories, respectively. Each of these files must be copied from its respective /S*
directory into the /streams
directory. Additionally, after copying files to the /streams
directory, they must renamed from the uppercase format S00000%%.NS[F,D]
to the lowercase format s00000%%.ns[f,d]
The game is currently hardcoded to boot straight into level 09
(aka. N. Sanity Beach), bypassing the main menu screen(s). To choose a different boot level, redefine the LID_BOOTLEVEL
constant in common.h
and recompile.
- X - Z
- square - X
- circle - C
- triangle - V
- L1 - A
- R1 - S
- L2 - Q
- R2 - W
- d-pad up - ↑
- d-pad down - ↓
- d-pad left - ←
- d-pad right - →
- start - Enter
- select - Space
- toggle in-game GUI - Esc
Project structure is listed below, including descriptions for each file.
Note that further documentation can be found in the doc
├── doc # documentation
│ ├── # project coding standards
│ ├── # game outline
│ ├── # function descriptions
│ ├── # detailed file descriptions (incomplete)
│ └── memmap.xlsx # memory map
├── src # source code
│ ├── formats # entry [item] formats
│ ├── pc # pc-specific code (non-inline)
│ │ ├── gfx # pc graphics
│ │ │ ├── gl.c,h # OpenGL backend (2D primitive rasterization)
│ │ │ ├── tex.c,h # texture cache
│ │ │ └── pcgfx.h # graphics primitives
│ │ │── sound # pc sound
│ │ │ ├── audio.c,h # audio/sfx backend
│ │ │ ├── midi.c,h # midi backend
│ │ │ ├── util.c,h # utility functions for SEQ/VAB conversion
│ │ │ └── formats # audio and midi formats
│ │ │ ├── psx.h # psx SEP, SEQ, VAB, and VAG formats
│ │ │ ├── sf2.h # soundfont (sf2) format
│ │ │ └── smf.h # standard midi format
│ │ │── init.c,h # pc-specific initialization (incl. SDL)
│ │ │── math.c,h # fixed point implementations of math functions
│ │ │── pad.c,h # joypad emulation
│ │ └── time.c,h # tick counter
│ ├── psx # psx-specific code (non-inline)
│ │ ├── card.c,h # memory card
│ │ ├── cdr.c,h # cd-rom
│ │ ├── gpu.c,h # gpu interface (2D primitive rasterization)
│ │ ├── init.c,h # psx-specific initialization
│ │ ├── r3000a.s # r3000a assembly code; includes all functions from the game that were originally written in assembly
│ │ ├── r3000a.c # c equivalents of the code in r3000a.s; here for sake of readability
│ │ └── r3000a.h # header for r3000a.s and r3000a.c
│ ├── common.h # common includes, macros, and codes
│ ├── geom.h # geometric primitives (point, vector, angle, rect, matrix etc.)
│ ├── globals.h # GOOL globals
│ ├── audio.c,h # audio engine
│ ├── cam.c,h # camera engine
│ ├── gfx.c,h # upper-level graphics code
│ ├── gool.c,h # GOOL object engine
│ ├── level.c,h # level state and zone functions
│ ├── main.c,h # main function and game loop
│ ├── math.c,h # misc math functions
│ ├── midi.c,h # midi/seq engine
│ ├── misc.c,h # per-frame updates for world shader parameters
│ ├── ns.c,h # paging/entry subsystem
│ ├── pad.c,h # joypad interface
│ ├── pbak.c,h # demo playback
│ ├── slst.c,h # polygon id sort lists
│ ├── solid.c,h # solidity and collision detection and movement limiting
│ ├── title.c,h # handles title screen loading, transition between title states, and drawing of title card backdrops
│ ├── util # utilities
│ │ ├── list.c,h # generic linked list
│ │ ├── tree.c,h # generic tree
│ ├── ext # extensions to original game code
│ │ ├── lib # libraries
│ │ │ ├── gui.c # minimal GUI library
│ │ │ └── refl.c # minimal type reflection library
│ │ ├── gui.c,h # in-game GUI
│ │ ├── refl.c,h # game-specific type metadata
│ │ └── disgool.c,h # GOOL disassembler
│ └── patches # patching of functions with code generated by c1c's discompiler
│ ├── emu.c,h # modified version of c1c's emulator
│ ├── zz.c,h # stubs and imports for decompiled code
│ └── zz_*.h # decompiled code from c1c
├── streams # game assets (.NSD/.NSF files)
├── DejaVuSansMono.ttf # font for in-game GUI
├── Makefile # project makefile
└── # project overview; this file