
Nuxt.js Serverless SSR Starter on AWS (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with Serverless Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🚀 Nuxt.js 2.0 SSR on AWS Serverless Stack (Lambda + API Gateway + S3)

Nuxt.js 2.0 Serverless Server-side Rendering Starter on AWS Serverless Stack (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with Serverless Framework


  • Nuxt.js 2.0 (nuxt-edge)
  • Serverless Framework
  • TypeScript
  • Sass (SCSS)
  • ESLint
  • TSLint
  • @nuxtjs/axios
  • @nuxtjs/apollo

If you have a feature request, please create a new issue. And also, pull requests are always welcome🙏


  • Libraries that are used only by the server or that are used by both the server and the client should be included in the dependencies. To optimize the lambda capacity, make sure that the library used only by the client is included in dev-dependencies.
  • If you install a module for nuxt.js, it must be in a the dependencies not dev-dependencies
  • Auto generated URL https://*.execute-api.aws-region-name.amazonaws.com/* will result in a JavaScript error. (routing problem) Please use the Custom Domain
  • If you encounter Cannot GET / error message, the error log can be founded in the AWS CloudWatch


  • 🔑 IAM Account for Serverless framework (Requires pre-configuration using aws configure)
$ aws configure


Edit serverless.yml

service: "nuxt-edge-serverless-template" # Edit service name

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs8.10
  stage: develop
  region: ap-northeast-2  # Edit region name
    NODE_ENV: production

      Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
        BucketName: "my-s3-bucket" # Specify a new bucket name for client assets

    - bucketName: "my-s3-bucket" # Retype the bucket name specified above
      localDir: .nuxt/dist
    domainName: "nuxt.mydomain.com" # Specify a new domain name to be created
    stage: develop
    certificateName: "*.mydomain.com" # Enter the Certicate name with that domain
    createRoute53Record: true

Build Setup

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Serve develop server at localhost:3000 using Nuxt.js
$ yarn dev

# Build
$ yarn build

# Prod server start with built assets
$ yarn start

# You must run `yarn sls:create` before `yarn sls:deploy`
# Build assets, Create Domain and S3 Bucket, Deploy the function and bundled assets
$ yarn sls:create

# launch local server with bundled assets and 'serverless-offline' plugin
$ yarn sls:local

# Re-build and deploy the function and bundled assets
$ yarn sls:deploy

# Remove all stacks
# Please do not delete it separately and use this script
$ yarn sls:remove


  • Server-side Bundling
  • TypeScript Support
  • Nuxt.js 2.0 (nuxt-edge) Support
  • AWS Assets Automation
  • Integrate with express using serverless-http (for using req in nuxt context)
  • Sass(SCSS) Support
  • @nuxtjs/apollo Support
  • @nuxtjs/axios Support
  • ESLint, TSLint Support
  • gzip Compression
  • static file serve