
miscellaneous tcl eggdrop scripts

Primary LanguageTcl

bash.tcl - bash.org quote fetcher
calc.tcl - provides !calc <expression> calculator function
google.tcl - query the Google API for searching/news/images. also use regular google search for google converting/calculating
horgh_autoop.tcl - auto op all users in a channel which is set +horgh_autoop
irb.tcl - unsafe public ruby interpreter
isgd.tcl - provide function that shortens a given url using http://is.gd
latoc.tcl - queries yahoo commodity listings for: energy, metals, grains, livestock, softs
slang.tcl - urbandictionary.com definition fetcher
wiki.tcl - wikipedia.org synopsis fetcher

Edited versions of scripts written by others:
imdb.tcl - IMDB.org query script. Written by B0unTy, modified by OV2

All scripts written by me in this repository are Public domain. Those
not written by me are under whatever license specified by their authors.