
A Fastify plugin to have fun with Hasura.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



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A Fastify plugin to have fun with Hasura.


  • Fastify decorator over graphql-request to easily request Hasura graphql endpoint.
  • Provide routes for Hasura events, actions and cron jobs.
  • Secure requests coming from Hasura.
  • Easily register handler for Hasura events, actions and cron jobs.


  1. Install fastify-hasura with:
yarn add fastify-hasura  # or npm i --save fastify-hasura
  1. Register the plugin:
fastify.register(require('fastify-hasura'), {
  endpoint: 'yourHasuraGraphqlEndpoint',
  admin_secret: 'yourAdminSecret'


Example request on Hasura Graphql Endpoint

const userId = 'yourUserUUID'

const fetchUser = `#graphql
  query fetchUser($id: uuid!) {
    user: user_by_pk(id: $id) {
const { user } = await fastify.hasura.graphql(fetchUser, {
  id: userId

Example registering event and action:

// Register new_user hasura event
fastify.hasura.registerEvent('new_user', (request, reply) => {
  const user = request.event.getNewData()

// Register login hasura action
fastify.hasura.registerAction('login', async (request, reply) => {
  const data = request.action.getData('id', 'type', 'user')

  const response = await yourAsyncCustomBusinessLogic(data)

Note: Requests for events and actions are decorated with hasura-parser. So, you can easily retrieve data in routes with request.event and request.action.


  • endpoint [ required ]: Your Hasura Graphql Endpoint.
  • admin_secret [ required ]: Your Hasura admin secret.
  • api_secret [ optional ]: Highly recommended. Provide an api secret if you want to secure requests from your Hasura instance to your Fastify app. You must configure x-hasura-from-env headers of all Hasura events, actions and cron jobs with this api secret.
  • routes_prefix [ optional ]: By default, this plugin build root routes for /events, /actions and /crons. Use this option if you want to prefix this routes. Eg: /hasura will build routes /hasura/events and so on...

All options:

fastify.register(require('fastify-hasura'), {
  endpoint: 'yourHasuraGraphqlEndpoint',
  admin_secret: 'yourAdminSecret',
  api_secret: 'yourApiSecret',
  routes_prefix: '/hasura'

More documentation


If you would like to make any contribution you are welcome to do so.


Licensed under MIT