
This repository contains the source code for the backend of the stock and transaction management application. The main objective of the backend is to provide secure and robust RESTful services to manage data and operations related to stocks, suppliers, sales, and purchases.

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains the source code for the backend of the stock and transaction management application. The main objective of the backend is to provide secure and robust RESTful services to manage data and operations related to stocks, suppliers, sales, and purchases.


The backend of the application is developed using Java with an object-oriented programming (OOP) approach. It provides a secure and robust RESTful API to interact with the database and perform various stock and transaction management operations.


-Stock Management: Provides endpoints to add, update, and query available stock items. Supplier Management: Allows managing supplier information, including addition, modification, and retrieval.

-Transaction Management: Offers functionalities to record and track sales and purchases made.

-Authentication and Authorization: Implements authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure endpoints and sensitive data.

Tech Stack

Java: Primary programming language used for backend development.

Spring Boot: Framework used to create Java-based RESTful web services.

Spring Data JPA: Enables easy integration of data access layer into Java applications.

Hibernate: Object-relational mapping (ORM) tool used for data persistence.

Spring Security: Provides robust authentication and authorization functionalities to secure the application.

Getting Started

Clone the project repository.

Import the project into your preferred Java IDE.

Configure the database connection settings in application.properties.

Build the project and resolve any dependencies.

Run the application.