Web app that store your files and you can download them whenever you want. You think as Google Drive in Discord UI.
- Clone the repo
- Go to the folder
- Run the command npm run server to start Node.js + Express server, Server will start at localhost:5000
- Run the command npm run client to start Angular development server,
Server will start at localhost:4200
- You are good to go. Add features, improve some, do whatever you want, have fun
- Also open to accept PRs.
- If there is some issue you can contact me here
Sign Up & Login ✅
- With Email and Password ✅
- With Google ✅
- With Facebook ✅
- With GitHub (Same to implement as Google and Fb )
Manage Profile ✅
- Verify email ✅
- CRUD user ✅
- AUTH user ✅
- Reset password user ✅
- Route guard or permissions ✅
- CRUD files with node.js and AWS S3 ✅
- Share files with permission to anyone or specify only persons to share with (by default it's none) ✅
- Convert file to other format
- Make zip/Gzip
- Play songs files
- View some format like image, doc, codes etc..
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