
Face detection with openCV ( Cascade classifier )

Primary LanguageJava


project description

the enhancements made on an image affect the accurcy of face detection algorithm greatly
so this project provides a set of tools that allow the user to apply multiple filters on
a given image and tune their parameters before applying face detection to the image
so based on the type of the image you want you can tune the parameters of preprocessing
enhancement steps to get better results picture alt

current features

the current version is only able to able each enhancement and face detection on its own so we currently support: 1 - Face detection
2 - Blurring
3 - Sharpening
4 - Lighting
5 - Gamma correction
6 - Equalization
7 - Edge detection
some of those are added for future purposes


1 - Face detection:

2 - Blurring:

3 - Sharpening:

4 - Lighting:

5 - Gamma correction:

6 - Equalization:

7 - Edge detection:

Future work

1 - allow parameters tuning for ach enhancement.
2 - add more useful enhancement.
3 - add more precise face detection methods.
4 - allow successive application of filters to test the over all effect of applying filters on face detection accuracy.