
Combines small little C++ programs (Simple Calculator, Linear/Quadratic points calculator, and Heads or Tails coin flipper) into one single program to use for very basic productivity tasks and random number generation.

Primary LanguageC++



Combines small little C++ programs (Simple Calculator, Linear/Quadratic points calculator, and Heads or Tails coin flipper) into one single program to use for very basic productivity tasks and random number generation.

How to Use

A precompiled .exe file of the program for Windows is available at the root of the master branch. However, if you want to compile it yourself, download the AppRunner Folder and compile it with a C++ compiler of your choice (Code::Blocks is recommended). Your mileage may vary.

More Information

Written in C++11 and compiled with Code::Blocks IDE by Manas Harbola (Original date: April 20, 2015)