
Curator Pod and Config Map for kubernetes

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Curator for Kubernetes

This repository consists of Curator cronjob file and config files which delete certain indeces except ^.kibana.*$ (in order not to cause Kibana to crash)

1) Deploy Curator as a Cronjob in your cluster

Create Cronjob resource from curator.yaml

2) Configure configmap for Cronjob

3) Curator Configmap for HTTPS

If your elasticsearch is using secure connection, you need to configure curator-config-HTTPS.yaml file for HTTP Basic Authentication.

4) How To Test

  • Create a basic cluster
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ManasPecenek/clinco.git && cd clinco && chmod +x initial-script.sh add-worker.sh && alias startCluster="bash initial-script.sh" addNode="bash add-worker.sh"

startCluster <worker-node-count>
  • Now we can deploy curator
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ManasPecenek/curator.git && cd curator/curator

kubectl create ns monitoring-ns

kubectl run es -n monitoring-ns --image elasticsearch:7.14.1 --env "discovery.type=single-node" --port 9200

kubectl expose pod es -n monitoring-ns --name es-svc --port 9200

kubectl apply -f curator-config-01.yaml && kubectl apply -f curator.yaml # Update the hosts part in curator-config-01.yaml as es-svc

kubectl create job -n monitoring-ns test-job --from=cronjob/curator-v2

kubectl get pods -n monitoring-ns -w # Check that job is completed

kubectl logs test-job-xxxx # Check the logs whether the job has successfully deleted the indices
  • Then delete the cluster

docker rm -f master worker-1


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