A gallery application where users cav views photos they are interested in

Primary LanguagePython





This is a Django application for personal gallery that allows a user to upload images for others to see and be able to to share by copying the image link.

Live Link

Click View Site to visit the site

User Story

  • View different photos that interest them
  • Click a single image to expand it and view the details of that photo
  • Search for different categories
  • Copy a link to the photo to share with my friends.
  • View photos based on the location they were taken.

Setup and Installation

To get the project .......

Cloning the repository:
Navigate into the folder and install requirements
Install and activate Virtual
- python3 -m venv virtual - source virtual/bin/activate  
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt 
Setup Database

SetUp your database User,Password, Host then make migrate

python manage.py makemigrations Gallery 

Now Migrate

python manage.py migrate 
Run the application
python3 manage.py runserver 
Running the application
python3 manage.py runserver 
Testing the application
python3 manage.py test 

Open the application on your browser

Technology used

Known Bugs

  • There are no known bugs currently but pull requests are allowed incase you spot a bug

Contact Information

If you have any question or contributions, please email me at [nassehkinyua99@gmail.com]


  • License
  • Copyright (c) 2019 Manasseh Kinyua