difference between fit_transform() and transform():

fit_transform() and transform() are methods used in machine learning, particularly when working with data preprocessing steps like scaling or encoding.

  1. fit_transform():

    • Purpose: This method combines two steps: fitting the preprocessing transformation (learning the parameters from the data) and applying it (transforming the data based on those parameters).
    • When to use: You use fit_transform() on your training data. It learns and applies the transformation to your data in one go.
    • Example: If you're scaling your data, fit_transform() will calculate the mean and standard deviation from your training data and then scale the data accordingly.
  2. transform():

    • Purpose: This method applies a transformation that was previously learned using fit_transform() or fit().
    • When to use: You use transform() on your test data (or any new data). It applies the transformation using parameters learned from the training data.
    • Example: After using fit_transform() on your training data to scale it, you use transform() on your test data to scale it using the same mean and standard deviation calculated from the training data.

In simple terms:

  • Fit: Learn something from the data.
  • Transform: Apply what you've learned.

Key takeaway: fit_transform() does both learning from the data and applying the transformation, whereas transform() only applies a transformation that was already learned. Use fit_transform() on training data and transform() on test or new data to ensure consistency in how your data is processed.

Let's illustrate fit_transform() and transform() with a practical example using data scaling, which is a common preprocessing step in machine learning.

Suppose we have a dataset with numerical features that we want to scale using standardization (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation).


import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Dummy dataset (imagine these are your features)
data = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
                 [4, 5, 6],
                 [7, 8, 9]])

# Step 1: Initialize the scaler
scaler = StandardScaler()

# Step 2: Use fit_transform() on training data
scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(data)

print("Scaled Data (after fit_transform):")

In this example:

  1. Initialization (StandardScaler()): We create a StandardScaler object. This object will later be used to scale our data.

  2. fit_transform():

    • We apply fit_transform(data) on our dataset data.
    • fit_transform() learns the mean and standard deviation from data and then transforms data based on these statistics.
    • After fit_transform(), scaler now holds the mean and standard deviation learned from data, and scaled_data contains the scaled values.
  3. Output:

    • scaled_data now contains the scaled version of data, where each column (feature) has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Now, let's simulate a scenario where we have new data (test data) that we want to scale using the same scaling parameters learned from our training data.

# New test data (simulating new data)
new_data = np.array([[10, 11, 12]])

# Step 3: Use transform() on test data
scaled_new_data = scaler.transform(new_data)

print("\nNew Data Scaled (using transform):")

In this part:

  1. transform():

    • We use transform(new_data) on our new data new_data.
    • transform() applies the scaling using the mean and standard deviation learned from the training data (data).
    • scaled_new_data now contains the scaled version of new_data, using the same scaling parameters (mean and standard deviation) as scaled_data.
  2. Output:

    • scaled_new_data shows how new_data would look like after scaling using the same scaling parameters as the training data.


  • fit_transform(): Learns the parameters (like mean and standard deviation) from the data and then transforms the data based on those parameters. Typically used on training data.
  • transform(): Applies the transformation using parameters learned from fit_transform(). Used on test data (or any new data) to ensure consistency with the scaling applied to the training data.

These methods (fit_transform() and transform()) are crucial for maintaining consistency in preprocessing steps across different subsets of data in machine learning workflows.