Student Login and Register


This code snippet is a login system implemented using the Tkinter library in Python. It allows users to register and login with their username and password. The code uses a MySQL database to store user information such as roll number, admission number, class, phone number, email, city, hobby, and 10th result.

The code consists of the following functions:

  • trial(): Increments the trial count and displays an error message if the trial count exceeds 3.
  • register(): Opens a new window for user registration. It collects user details such as username, password, roll number, admission number, class, phone number, email, city, hobby, and 10th result. It validates the input and inserts the data into the MySQL database.
  • loginuser(): Validates the user's login credentials by checking them against the data stored in the MySQL database. If the credentials are valid, it opens a new window displaying the user's details.

The code also includes GUI elements such as labels, entry fields, buttons, and background images to create an interactive user interface.