Continuous integration build scripts for Atmel/Microchip GAL/PAL (like 22V10, 16V8, etc.)

CI for PAL/GAL development

This repo contains an example CI GitHub Actions workflow, which will build PAL/GAL .jed files from .pld definitions.

POST.PLD contains an example PLD setup (for an ISA 0x80 POST debug card decoder, written by PC Engines)

The CI pipeline will run WinCUPL's CUPL.EXE via wine and create POST.jed, which can be flashed to any fitting PAL/GAL via normal programmers like the TL866.

Running 32bit Windows utilities in a CI pipeline requires the installation of Wine and a virtual X server to be running.
The main.yml workflow does this by running Xvfb in the background.

Additional parameters for CUPL.EXE

Usage: cupl -flags <library.dl> <device> file
       Where: flags
       Download file formats
-j   JEDEC output (jedec compatible programming file)
-h   ASCII-hex output (PROM ASCII hex download file)
-i   HL output (Signetics IFL devices only)
-n   download filename=PLD filename
       Output file formats
-a   absolute file (required for simulation)
-l   listing file (generate error listing file)
-e   expanded macro definition file (macros and REPEAT statements)
-x   expanded product terms (generate documentation file)
-f   fuse plot/chip diagram (attach fuse plot in documentation file)
-b   Berkeley PLA file (generate a Berkeley PLA file for fitters)
-o   One-hot-bit state machine (use one-hot bit encoding for state machines)
-d   Deactivate unused OR terms (remove unused product terms in IFL devices)
-r   Disable product term merging (identical p-term generation in IFL devices)
-g   Program security fuse (blow security fuse after programming if supported)
-u   Use specified library, must immediatley preceed library name (override library specified in the environment)
-s   Simulate after compile (simulate after successful compilation)
       Optimization methods
-kb  Optimize product term usage (overrides the DEMORGAN statement in file)
-kd  Demorganize all pins and pinnodes (overrides the DEMORGAN statement)
-ks  Force product term sharing (enable group reduction)
-kx  Do not exapnd XOR equations (virtual or fitter that supports XOR gates)
       Minimization Method
-m0  No minimization (no logic reduction)
-m1  Quick minimization (default. Lowest memory usage and fastest)
-m2  Quine-McCluskey minimization (highest memory usage and slowest.)
-m3  Presto minimization (good trade-off between memory and speed)
-m4  Espresso mimization (high memory usage and slow. Good for fitter designs)