
A program comparing various search algorithms through tile arrangements

Primary LanguageJava


A program comparing various path finding algorithms

• the names of all the group members Jung Cho

• a list of all your source files;

  • src/
    • Search/
      • Algorithms/
        • Best/
          • AStarSearchController
          • BestFirstSearch
          • GreedySearchController
          • UCSearchController
        • BFSearchController
        • DFSearchController
      • Node
      • SearchFactory
      • Type (Enum)
    • Controller

• the platform on which your code is developed (e.g., Windows/Linux/Solaris);

  • Windows
  • macOS

• documentation of any problems you had

  • Mainly had trouble with the heuristic. I kept counting the space as a tile and it would result in the wrong output.

• to run this

  1. IDE

    • Enter the following into the command line arguments options of your run settings
        search [-cost] <BFS|DFS|UCS|GS|A-star> <path to inputfile>
  2. Out File (.class)

    • cd into out/production/TileSort folder
    • run
      java Controller search [-cost] <BFS|DFS|UCS|GS|A-star> <path to inputfile>
  3. JAR

    • run
      java -jar TileSort.jar search [-cost] <BFS|DFS|UCS|GS|A-star> <path to inputfile>