
exercise for students to practice useReducer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Exercise 🤸useReducer 🏋️

Lets build a little van using useReducer

Lets create a van interface using useReducer. You don't need to make many different components, but your UI should have the following elements:

  • "START ENGINE" button
    • When the button is clicked, the engine status text should display "ENGINE ON".
  • "GEAR UP" button
    • When the button is clicked, and the engine is started, the current gear text should increment by 1 (max 4).
  • "GEAR DOWN" button
    • When the "GEAR DOWN" button is clicked, and the engine is started, the current gear text should decrement by 1.
  • "ACCELERATE" button
    • When the "ACCLERATE" button is clicked, and the engine is started and in a non-zero gear, the speed text should increment according to the current gear.
  • "BRAKE" button
    • When the "BRAKE" button is clicked and the engine is started and in a non-zero gear, the speed text should decrement according to the current gear.

Your reducer function should be able to do the following actions:

  • start the van engine
  • stop the van engine
    • also resets gear to 0
    • does not change the van speed
  • change engine gear up
    • only works if van is started
    • max gear 4
  • change engine gear down
    • only works if van is started
  • increase van speed
    • only works if van is started
    • if gear is 0, it has no effect
    • changes van speed so that it is further away from 0
    • gear 4 increases speed faster than gear 3
    • gear 3 increases speed faster than gear 2 etc.
  • decrease van speed
    • only works if van is started
    • if gear is 0, has no effect
    • changes van speed so that it is closer to 0

Show the current speed and gear of the van to the user. Show also buttons for the different actions.