Sin-ti-tulo-1 Simple shell

A simple UNIX command interpreter that provides a user interface to access and give orders to the operating system.


Table of contents


  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • gcc version 4.8.4


  • Clone this repository:
git clone
  • Inside the repository, compile.
  • Execute:
  • Or run in non-interactive mode, in this mode:
echo "ls" | ./hsh


gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh

Written in

  • GNU Emacs 24.3.1
  • C language

Example of use

  • Run an executable:
$ /bin/pwd
  • Run an executable founded in the $PATH environment variable:
$ pwd

All commands and builtins that you can use are in the manual page.

Files and functions

  • main.c - File where all the main functions are called
    • signalhandler - The ignore CTRL + C command.
    • exit_func - Exit of the shell.
    • _exec - Execution of process.
    • f_error - Process errors.
  • _getline.c - File where are there own getline function
    • cpy - Copy a string.
    • _realloc - Reallocs the getline arguments.
    • _readchar - Custom getline currently reads 1 char at a time from a file descriptor.
    • _getline - Custom getline.
  • _malloc.c - File where are there own malloc cases and free
    • _malloc - Mallocs memory of size bytes, prints error message on error.
    • _free - Free and set to null the pointer.
  • path.c - File where are the path
    • _getenv - Get the enviroment variable.
    • path - Get the command line and give the adrres of the command.
  • print_error.c - File where are the print error cases
    • print_error - Print error cases.
    • _perror - Custom perror.
  • _putchar.c - Writes the character c to stdout
  • simple_shell.h - The header file
  • strfunc.c - List of their own functions.
    • _strtok - Tokenizes a string.
    • _atoi - Convert a string to an integer.
    • _strcmp - Compare two strings.
    • _strlen - Calculate the length of a string.
  • strfunc2.c - List of their another own functions.
    • _strchr - Locate character in string.
    • print_number - Prints a integer with purchar.
    • _strstr - Locate a substring.
    • str_concat - Print a reverse string.
    • _strdup - Prints the array reverse.
