
This project is using the Wine Quality Data Set to create a model that will predict the wine quality based on physicochemical tests, after tuning the hyperparameters. Refer to Readme.md for more details

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Hyperparameter Tuning

Completed by Mangaliso Makhoba.

Overview: This project is using the UCI Wine Quality Dataset to create a model that will predict the wine quality based on physicochemical tests, after tuning hyperparameters.

Problem Statement: Evaluate Support Vector Classifier (SVC) model perfomance after finding the best hyperparamers of 'C' and 'gamma'.

Data: Wine Quality dataset

Deliverables: Best hyperameters.

Topics Covered

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Support Vector Classification
  3. Hyperparameter Tuning
  4. Log Loss Function
  5. GridSearchCV

Tools Used

  1. Python
  2. Scikit-learn
  3. Jupyter Notebook

Installation and Usage

Ensure that the following packages have been installed and imported.

pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install sklearn

Jupyter Notebook - to run ipython notebook (.ipynb) project file

Follow instruction on https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/ to install Anaconda with Jupyter.

Alternatively: VS Code can render Jupyter Notebooks

Notebook Structure

The structure of this notebook is as follows:

  • First, we'll load our data to get a view of the predictor and response variables we will be modeling.
  • We'll then preprocess our data, binarising the target variable and splitting up the data intro train and test sets.
  • We then model our data using a Support Vector Classifier.
  • Following this modeling, we define a custom metric as the log-loss in order to evaluate our produced model.
  • Using this metric, we then take several steps to improve our base model's performance by optimising the hyperparameters of the SVC through a grid search strategy.

Function 1: Data Preprocessing

We would like to classify the wine according to it's quality using binary classification. We write a function to preprocess the data so we can run it through the classifier. The function should:

  • Convert the quality for lower quality wines (quality less than or equal to 5) to 0
  • Convert the quality for higher quality wines (quality greater than or equal to 6) to 1
  • Split the data into 75% training and 25% testing data
  • Set random_state to equal 42 for this internal method.

Function Specifications:

  • Function Name: data_splitting
  • Should take a dataframe
  • Standardise the features using sklearn's StandardScaler
  • Convert the quality labels into a binary labels
  • Should fill nan values with zeros
  • Should return two tuples of the form (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test).

Expected Outputs:

(X_train, X_test,y_train, y_test)=data_preprocess(df)

[[-0.57136659  0.07127869 -0.48054096  1.17914161 -0.09303318 -0.79974133
   0.0830898  -0.15472329 -0.36573452  0.13010447  0.06101473  0.25842195]
 [-0.57136659  1.50396711 -0.72301571  0.56008035 -0.63948302 -0.05776881
  -0.70572997  0.62379657  0.16787589 -0.86828773 -0.47467813 -0.99931317]]

[1 0]

[[-0.57136659 -0.15493527 -0.54115965  0.90400327 -0.66050032 -0.31460545
   0.53384396  0.03990667 -1.35291379 -0.26925241 -0.34075491  1.18076103]
 [-0.57136659  0.29749266 -1.20796522  2.8987562  -0.80762143 -0.45729248
  -0.19863155 -0.22549783 -1.03274754 -0.7185289  -0.87644778  0.25842195]]

[1 1]  

Function 2: Model Training

Now that we have processed the data, let's jump straight into model fitting. We write a function that should:

  • Instantiate a SVC model.
  • Train the SVC model with default parameters.
  • Return the trained SVC model.

Function Specifications:

  • Function Name: train_SVC_model
  • Should take two numpy arrays as input in the form (X_train, y_train).
  • Should return an sklearn SVC model which has a random state of 40 and gamma set to 'auto'.
  • The returned model should be fitted to the data.

Expected Outputs:

svc = train_SVC_model(X_train,y_train)
array([0, 1], dtype=int64)

Function 3: Model Testing

Now that we've've trained our model. It's time to test its accuracy, however, we'll be using a custom scoring function for this. Create a function that implements the log loss function:

Function Specifications:

  • Should take two numpy arrays as input in the form y_true and y_predicted.
  • Should return a float64 for the log loss value rounded to 7 decimal places.

Expected Outputs:

print('Log Loss value: ',custom_scoring_function(y_test,y_pred))
print('Accuracy: ',accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred))
Log Loss value:  1.2540518
Accuracy:  0.9637

Function 4: Getting model parameters

In order to improve the accuracy of our classifier, we have to search for the best possible model (SVC in this case) parameters. However, we first have to find out what parameters can be tuned for the given model. Write a function that returns a list of available hyperparameters for a given model.

Function Specifications:

  • Should take in an sklearn model (estimator) object.
  • Should return a list of parameters for the given model.

Expected Outputs:


Function 5: Hyperparameter Search

The next step is define a set of SVC hyperparameters to search over. Write a function that searches for optimal parameters using the given dictionary of hyperparameters:

  • C_list = [0.1, 1, 10]
  • {C: 0.1, 1, 10}
  • gamma_list = [0.01, 0.1, 1]
  • {gamma: 0.01, 0.1, 1}
  • D = {'C':[0.1, 1, 10], 'gamma': [0.01, 0.1, 1]}

and using custom_scoring_function from Question 3 above as a custom scoring function (Hint: Have a look at at the make_scorer object in sklearn metrics).

Function Specifications:

  • Should define a parameter grid using the given list of SVC hyperparameters
  • Should return an sklearn GridSearchCV object with a cross validation of 5.

Expected Outputs:

print('Log Loss value: ',custom_scoring_function(y_test,y_pred))
print('Accuracy: ',accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred))
Log Loss value:  1.2115421
Accuracy:  0.9649

Function 6: Optimal model parameters

Write a function that returns the best hyperperameters for a given model (i.e. the GridSearchCV).

Function Specifications:

  • Should take in an sklearn GridSearchCV object.
  • Should return a dictionary of optimal parameters for the given model.

Expected Outputs:

{'C': 1, 'gamma': 1}

Contributing Authors

Authors: Mangaliso Makhoba, Explore Data Science Academy

Contact: makhoba808@gmail.com

Project Continuity

This is project is complete


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
