
#4th project @Ecole42

Primary LanguageC


Get Next Line is a little function used to read the content of any type of files directly into a buffer. It reads a file line by line (a line is defined as a string ended by a \n) and returns it directly to the buffer you've specified. You can also adjust the number of bytes you want to read by changing the BUFF_SIZE macro in the header. Get Next Line works as follow :

  • Including the file
  • You must include the get_next_line.h file in your header and run it along with the libft. Then, call it as a regular function. You can find more instructions in the libft repository on my profile.
  • Calling the function
  • get_next_line(int fd, char **line) where fd is the file descriptor of your file (make sure that the rights allow you to read it) and char **line the buffer where you want to read the datas. Memory allocation and freeing of line are left to your own decision, still you must do it or segfaults are expected.
  • Returning values
  • GNL will return 1 when a line has been read successfully, 0 when it has reached the end of the file, -1 when an error has occured.

GNL is memoryleaks free.