
Workshop @ CPP

This will host my slides and info needed for the presentation.

Things needed: MacOS/Linux/Windows Machine with preferred choice of forensics software. I will be demoing Autopsy, FTK Imager, RegRipper, and Magnet AXIOM* in the workshop. Windows is the reccomended OS- RegRipper does not have a GUI on MacOS.

We are using the MS7-Jean images provided by Digital Corpora here:

Massive thanks for providing the images to use.

Tools: Autopsy:

FTK Imager:

You will need to make an "Account" to get access to the download.


Log Parser 2.2:

Magnet AXIOM:

*AXIOM is a paid product. Massive thank you to my boss DW at Cylance for helping out and getting us access for the workshop.