ComfyI2I is a set of custom nodes for ComfyUI that help with image 2 image functions.
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how to zoom in and zoom out?
#30 opened by EntityinArray - 0
Red color is NAN from the eyedropper
#27 opened by MikkoMMM - 1
[Suggestion] Improved zoom in ComfyShop
#21 opened by Chryseus - 0
In ComfyShop the eyedropper for selecting color in the picture doesn't work + another ComfyShop bug
#26 opened by rollingcookies - 0
Erase part of the mask after drawing it?
#25 opened by ghostsquad - 0
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Padding near the edge of the image
#23 opened by mr-asa - 0
RuntimeError: [enforce fail at alloc_cpu.cpp:80] data. DefaultCPUAllocator: not enough memory
#20 opened by kenic123 - 0
No mention of how to change keyboard shortcuts
#22 opened by ghostsquad - 0
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Error occurred when executing Color Transfer:
#17 opened by minifisk - 1
How to convert cut mask to mask fo inpainting?
#13 opened by addddd2 - 1
[Feature Request] Color Transfer for Video
#14 opened by zae-park - 0
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install.bat Typed Error: set "python_exec=..\..\..\python_embedded\python.exe" should be "python_embeded"
#12 opened by Erwin11 - 3
Tried workflow.js example, but I get issues in the maskopsnode and inpaint segments
#5 opened by freke70 - 8
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Model required for Mask Ops nodes
#10 opened by hben35096 - 1
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Request: I2I segments node
#6 opened by specblades - 5