tango is a small, simple and customizable RPC (remote procedure call) module for Lua.
Its main features are:
- a generic transparent proxy for call invocations
- support of remote objects (tables with functions, userdata etc, see tango.ref)
- a generic dispatch routine for servers
- several server implementations for different protocols, message formats and event/io frameworks, further called backends
- several client implementations for different protocols and message formats
The greet server code
-- load tango module
local tango = require'tango'
-- define a nice greeting function
greet = function(...)
-- start listening for client connections
port = 12345
The client code calling the remote server function greet
-- load tango module
local tango = require'tango'
-- connect to server
local con = tango.client.socket.connect{
address = 'localhost',
port = 12345
-- call the remote greeting function
Since the server exposes the global table _G
per default, the client may even
directly call print
,let the server sleep a bit remotely
) or calc some stuff (math.sqrt
-- variable argument count is supported
-- any function or variable in the server's _G can be accessed by default
con.os.execute('sleep 1')
One can limit the server exposed functions by specifying a functab
like this (to expose only methods of he math table/module):
local tango = require'tango'
-- just pass a table to the functab to limit the access to this table
port = 12345,
functab = math
As the global table _G
is not available any more, the client can
only call methods from the math module:
Sometimes you need to get some data from the server, as enumaration-like-constants for instance. Instead of creating a mess of remote getters and setters, just treat the value of interest as a function...
Let's read the remote table friends from the server
local tango = require'tango'
-- connect to server as usual
local con = tango.client.socket.connect()
-- friends is a remote table but could be of any other type
local friends = con.friends()
To change the servers state, just pass the new value as argument:
local tango = require'tango'
local con = tango.client.socket.connect()
-- read the remote variable
local friends = con.friends()
-- modify it
-- and write back the new value
If you are worried about security concerns, just do not allow read and/or write access:
local tango = require'tango'
-- write_access and read_access can be set independently
-- accessing variables from the client side will now cause errors.
write_access = false,
read_access = false
Even if Lua does not come with a class model, semi-object-oriented programming is broadly used via the semicolon operator, e.g.:
-- assume you open a pipe locally
local p = io.popen('ls')
-- and read some stuff from it, ... note the : operator
local line = p:read('*l')
To allow such construct remotely via tango, one has to use the
local con = tango.client.socket.connect()
-- pass in the remote function and all arguments required (optionally)
local p = tango.ref(con.io.popen,'ls')
-- now proceed as if p was a local object
local line = p:read('*l')
-- unref it locally to let the server release it
This may seem a bit awkward, but it is certainly less hassle, then writing non-object-oriented counterparts on the server side.
You can run test by the following sh call in the project root directory:
tango does not need to be installed.
tango.client.socket | tango.client.zmq | |
tango.server.copas_socket | X | |
tango.server.ev_socket | X | |
tango.server.zmq | X |
tango provides a default (lua-only) table serialization which should meet most common use cases.
Anyhow, the table serialization is neither exceedingly fast nor compact in output or memory consumption. If this is a problem for your application, you can customize the serialization by assigning your serialize/unserialize methods to the clients and servers respectively.
Socket client with customized serialization:
local tango = require'tango'
local cjson = require'cjson'
-- set serialization on the client side
local con = tango.client.socket.connect{
serialize = cjson.encode,
unserialize = cjson.decode
Copas socket server with customized serialization:
local tango = require'tango'
local cjson = require'cjson'
-- set serialization on the server side
serialize = cjson.encode,
unserialize = cjson.decode
Some alternatives are:
The requirements depend on the desired i/o backend, see the corresponding rockspecs for details.
With LuaRocks: Directly from the its repository:
$ sudo luarocks install tango-copas
or tango-complete, which requires lua-zmq and lua-ev (and the corresponding C-libs:
$ sudo luarocks install tango-complete
or a specific rock from
$ sudo luarocks install https://raw.github.com/lipp/tango/master/rockspecs/SPECIFIC_ROCKSPEC
Note: luarocks must be >= and requires luasec for doing https requests!
$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
$ sudo luarocks install luasec