
Data and scripts for keras course

Primary LanguageR

Keras for R Workshop


You can either use the RStudio Cloud project or use your laptop. It can be a mixed experience configuring everything so the cloud is a safe fallback.

RStudio Cloud

An environment with this repo checked out is available at: https://rstudio.cloud/project/489173

You will need to setup and account on RStudio Cloud. Afterwards you should be able to deploy the project (this can take a minute or two). Then create a copy in your own space:

save permanent copy

Test it's working with:

[1] TRUE

This takes a minute the first time and will be quick from then on.

Local (laptop)

All of the models we're building will work on a laptop so if you want to follow along on your own machine then please follow the steps below:

Install the following R packages from CRAN in the usual way:

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "rsample", "recipes", "keras"))

In an R session install the keras/tensorflow python libraries by running:


This takes a while as it will install the various python packages that are required. For further instructions please see https://keras.rstudio.com/ and follow the instructions there.

If it worked you should get:

[1] TRUE