
A python wrapper for speedrun.com's v2 API.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

Speedrun.com v2 API wrapper

A WIP python wrapper for speedrun.com's new backend API.

WIP documentation for the API can be found in speedruncom-apiv2-docs


pip install speedruncompy, then import speedruncompy.

speedruncompy.endpoints contains all endpoints, and currently includes datatypes, enums & responses. Login flow in speedruncompy.auth. Other notable fields include enums and exceptions.


from speedruncompy.endpoints import GetGameLeaderboard2
from speedruncompy.enums import Verified

leaderboard = GetGameLeaderboard2(gameId="", categoryId="").perform() # Perform a single request (defaulting to page 1 where paginated)
leaderboard_full = GetGameLeaderboard2(gameId="", categoryId="").perform_all() # Perform a request for all pages available.

for run in leaderboard_full.runList:
    if run.verified == Verified.VERIFIED:
        print(run.description if run.description is not None else "No description!")


Note that this uses the API in the same way as [https://speedrun.com]. The v2 API does not currently accept the Bearer token the v1 API can use - but v2 is also not half-broken, and contains most of the new features SRC has added over the years.

When working with auth, it is recommended to construct your own SpeedrunComPy object rather than use the default:

from speedruncompy.endpoints import GetGameLeaderboard2
from speedruncompy.api import SpeedrunClient
import speedruncompy.api as srcapi

client = SpeedrunClient("my_app_name")
client.PHPSESSID = "secret PHPSESSID"  # You should store this separately!

# srcapi._default.PHPSESSID = "secret PHPSESSID"  # Would affect all calls 
                                                  # that don't pass _api

session = GetSession(_api=client).perform()  # Custom client given to endpoints by _api.
if session.session.signedIn == True:
    print("I'm signed in!")

To authorise you must either complete a standard login flow (see auth) or use the PHPSESSID of a session you logged in on browser. You can provide this object to endpoints as _api, and you can set apiInstance.PHPSESSID manually.

Note that sessions may expire unexpectedly. Periodically calling PutSessionPing may help, but for long-lived applications you should have additional monitoring. If you need it, you may need to set up automatic login using PutAuthLogin, with potential email inbox monitoring for 2FA.

Why use V2?

v1 is not actively maintained, and both misses a large number of modern features (including various social connections on user profiles) and has various issues clouding its use;

  • pagination breaks at 10,000 items on all endpoints
  • some endpoints are completely broken (notably run verification)
  • some endpoints are in a degraded state (/leaderboards position)

However, V2 is poor for some specific tasks; since it can only fetch one category at a time, indexing all runs in a game (or site-wide) is slow. Rate limits are also less simple, undocumented & vary between endpoints.

Additionally, V2 has no promise of stability; it is use-at-your-own-risk, as it is directly tied to the data the site uses.


Admin-only endpoints will not be added due to lack of testability and usability. These include:

  • GetAdminStatusSummary
  • GetTicketQueueCounts
  • GetTicketStatusCounts
  • PutGameDelete - Will be added once users can delete games again


Future versions will aim to assist further in development;

  • Complete datatype coverage & testing to detect regressions & SRC-side additions
  • Convenience properties potentially exploiting cached data?