
Light and simple Telegram chat bot to control Transmission

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Telegram chat bot to control Transmission.
Sorry, only magnet links are supported now.

Install as daemon under Linux using systemd:

  1. Register new Telegram bot as described at https://core.telegram.org/bots#botfather Save it's token.
  2. Install Python 3 and pip.
  3. Install Telegram and Transmission libraries using pip:
    pip3 install transmissionrpc
    pip3 install python-telegram-bot
  4. Create directory for bot and copy it's source to it:
    mkdir /opt/transmission-telegram
    cd /opt/transmission-telegram
    git clone https://github.com/Chudsaviet/transmission-telegram.git
  5. Create symlink and data directory:
    ln -s /opt/transmission-telegram/transmission-telegram.py /usr/sbin/transmission-telegram
    mkdir /var/lib/transmission-telegram
  6. Create directory in /etc and copy config in it:
    mkdir /etc/transmission-telegram
    cp config.ini.example /etc/transmission-telegram/config.ini
  7. Generate secret:
    dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4096 cnt=1 | sha256sum
  8. Edit config to set Transmission and Telegram credentials, and secret:
    editor /etc/transmission-telegram/config.ini
  9. Copy systemd service definition to systemd directory:
    cp scripts/transmission-telegram.service /etc/systemd/system/
  10. If you are running bot at the same machine as Transmission, it would be better to start bot after Transmission. Just edit /etc/systemd/system/transmission-telegram.service and add transmission-daemon.service to after section.
  11. Reload systemd daemons, enable and run transmission-telegram:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable transmission-telegram.service
    systemctl start transmission-telegram
  12. Check status of the daemon:
    systemctl status transmission-telegram