
Notes and materials for Active Manifold Computing projects.


Notes and materials for Active Manifold Computing projects. This repo will contain the relevant reading material for the all active projects.

Current Active Projects

  1. DP-NAS: Applying different algortithms from differential privacy to architecture generation approaches.
  2. LSMN-Prototype: Initial empirical exploration and preliminary implementations of approaches to build LSMNs.
  3. LSMN-Theory: Theoretical validation for Neural Composer, an initial general approach to the scalable generation of interpretable LSMNs.
  4. ML-for-Finance: Applying recent breakthroughs in Deep and Reinforcement Learning to problems in finance including equities prediction.
  5. DP-Medical-Images: Applying different algorithms from differential privacy to medical image problems, serving as a useful benchmark for the community.
  6. Virtual-Green-Screen: Extending state of the art methods in background matting and other CV methods to build a better virtual greenscreen.
  7. Satellite-ADC: Creating coordination among satellite clusters for scientific or industrial tasks using multi-agent learning methods.

Organization overview

The folders are seperated based on topic. Each topic will have relevant research papers and reading material. Each paper will have a summary for quick reading.

Folder Structure

- project-1
    - topic-1
        - paper-1
            - original-paper
            - paper-summary
        - paper-n


    - topic-n
        - paper-1
                - original-paper
                - paper-summary
            - paper-n
- project-n