
Project 1

Task 1 of 4: Data Wrangling: 1 Used “data1”. Performed following tasks: a. Load the data into code. b. The data has two columns. c. Used the “separate” method to convert the data into the following format: d. Applied “unite” function to return the data into the original format. 2 Used “iris.csv”. Performed following tasks: a. Load the data into code. b. Applied “gather” function on “iris” data to convert it into the following format: c. Applied the “spread” function on “iris” data to convert it into the following format d. Applied the proper function on “iris” data to return it into the original format.

Task 2 of 4: Data Wrangling 1- Used "house_data". Performed following tasks: 2- The data has 12 columns. Columns 1 to 11 are independent variables (X1 to X11). Column 12 is the dependent variable (Y). 3- Removed inconsistency data from some ROWS. For example, “bathrooms” values should be integers only (for example, 1, 2, 4, 5, ...etc). Removed the row(s) that includes a real value(s). Wrote a code to perform the checking and removing process.

Task 3 of 4: Univariate Graphs The dataset for task 3: Mobile dataset Mobile and technology are one of the world’s biggest industries. Organisation is aiming to enter this industry and plans to launch a portfolio of mobiles to compete with the currently established manufacturers. The company has collected the production data of mobiles from different companies. As a consultant and one of my tasks was to explore the data set and answer the following questions.

Dataset Description: Id Unique ID battery_power Total energy a battery can store in one time measured in mAh blue Has bluetooth or not clock_speed speed at which microprocessor executes instructions dual_sim Has dual sim support or not fc Front Camera mega pixels four_g Has 4G or not int_memory Internal Memory in Gigabytes m_dep Mobile Depth in cm mobile_wt Weight of mobile phone n_cores Number of cores of processor pc Primary Camera mega pixels px_height Pixel Resolution Height px_width Pixel Resolution Width ram Random Access Memory in Megabytes sc_h Screen Height of mobile in cm sc_w Screen Width of mobile in cm talk_time longest time that a single battery charge will last when you are three_g Has 3G or not touch_screen Has touch screen or not wifi Has wifi or not

For the dataset, completed the following tasks and answered the following questions:

  1. Missing Values: o Are there any anomalies (unusual data or missing values) in the given dataset? Are we going to remove the missing values? Support answer with the appropriate argument.
  2. Do we need to normalise the data? Provide appropriate reasoning.
  3. Tabular exploration: o Created histograms for all variables to visualise. • Is there any outlier? • Which attribute does not follow a normal distribution? Explain your answer. o Computed the descriptive statistics (including mean, median, mode, range, quartiles) and draw a boxplot (in just one graph) of the all variables. • Presented a summary of your findings by contrasting different features of these distributions o Categorised Battery attribute on “Low”, “Medium” and “High” and used a bar chart to illustrate the new categories. o Represented the different of n_cores (in percentage) and draw your findings. Uses a pie chart with labels.

Task 4 of 4: Bivariate The dataset for task 4: Household data The household dataset contains sample data from approx. 2000 houses in Australia. It contains information regarding income, total taxes, expenses, age, gender, and level of education of the head household. It also includes information on the number of children and adults per home.

Dataset Description: Attributes: Income Taxes Groceries Meals Utilities Cloth Alcohol Fuel Phone Children Adults Ownhouse Education.level HH.Age HH.Gender Other specifics: Education P ‘Primary’ S ‘Secondary’ I ‘Intermediate’ B ‘Bachelors’ M ‘Master’ Gender M ‘Male’ F ‘Female’

For the dataset, completed the following tasks and answered the following questions:

  1. Data cleaning: o Are there any anomalies (unusual data or missing values) in the given dataset? Are we going to remove the missing values? Support answer with the appropriate argument.
  2. Do we need to normalise the data? Provided appropriate reasoning.
  3. Data visualisation: o Analysed and illustrated the relationship between Income vs Taxes, and Income vs TOTAL Expenditure. Is there any relationship between Taxes and Total expenditure? Explained the findings. o Commented on the relationship between variables: Income vs Taxes and Income vs TOTAL Expenditure. o Visualised the relationship between Ownership and other variables as follows: • Draw and explain the relationship between Ownhouse and Income • Explained the relationship between Ownhouse and Education. Level and Gender • Draw and explained the frequency Ownhouse attribute. o Used a proper visualisation method to filter age into: “Less than 25”, “between 25 to 50”, “Older than 50”. • Plotted total expenses by “Less than 25”, “between 25 to 50”, “Older than 50”. • Plotted income vs age • Contrasted the two plots and explain the findings

Project 2

Task 1 of 2: Correlation The Dataset for task 1: Movies The film industry or motion picture industry is one of the largest sources of entertainment in the world. The industry produces thousands of films annually and rakes in billions of dollars in revenue. As a consultant, my tasks are to analyze the Dataset obtained from IMDB. An online database of information related to films, television programs, and video games, including cast, production crew, fictional characters, biographies, plot summaries, trivia, and reviews.

Dataset Description: The movie dataset gathers data on movies and a few attributes about its structure, like movie duration in minutes, release year, director, and actors, and so on. Besides these variables, there are a few columns of interest regarding the movie evaluation, such as IMDB score, reviews, audience’s votes, and Facebook’s likes. The goal is to bring a perspective in one of these variables (e.g. profit) and its relationship with the other variables in the Dataset. Excluded variables of non-interest.

For the Dataset, completed the following tasks and answered the following questions:

  1. Missing Values: o Removed/imputed all missing values? Support the method used(remove or impute) with an appropriate argument.
  2. Exploration: o Based on the Dataset, calculated “Profit” and determined the relationship between “Profit” and other variables (e.g. IMDB score). Used line plot/scatter plot to find the relationship. o Calculated the correlation between the variable(s) used in the Dataset. o Based on the correlation matrix, listed and ploted Strong and Weak Correlations. Provided appropriate reasoning about the findings.

Task 2 of 2: Association Rule mining The Dataset for task 2: Titanic Many organizations generate a large amount of transaction data daily. For example, a store like “Coles” stores customer shopping information on a large scale using check-out data. Association rule mining is one of the major techniques to detect and extract useful information from large scale transaction data. But it can also throw up some interesting survival patterns such as the case of the Titanic.

For the Titanic dataset, completed the following tasks:

  1. Missing Values: o Removed / impute all missing values? Support the method used (remove or impute) with an appropriate argument.
  2. Association rule mining: o Performed Association rule mining on the dataset provided, for “Survived = Yes” constraint only. Excluded rule where “Survived = No”. Use parameter = list(minlen=2,supp=0.005,conf=0.8). o Based on the generated rules and analysis, which pairs of entries have the highest lift value? Listed the top 3. First sorted the rules and then useed a graph to plot the top 3 as follows: o Based on the generated rules, is there any difference between “Children” travelling first class, second class, and third class? Supported answer with an appropriate argument. o Based on these results, what other value-added observations can we make? (E.g. the crew, first-class passengers and women had the same chance of survival than men and third-class passengers