This repo Contains the resources for IOT and ROBOTICS

Basic IOT begginners tools requirements

  1. Arduino (or equivalent board). (Rs 1000)
  2. Arduino Jumpers. (5 per peice)
  3. Bread board (better to buy a high quality one ) (Rs 250/ 350)
  4. Led's (Rs 5/3/4)
  5. Peizo element ( Rs 40/25)
  6. Ir sensor Module(Rs 150/ 250);
  7. 1 digit 8 segment display (Rs 50 / 100)
  8. LCD module arduino (Rs 250/350)
  9. Soil moisture sensor (Rs 250/150)
  10. Ultra sound sensor (Rs 150/200/250)
  11. L293d Motor sensor (Rs 250/350)
  12. BO yello motors (Rs 150/200/250)

The above mentioned price are approx price. For buying these stuffs you can visit OR In Jamal, Osan Thes stuffs are cheaper.

It is not necessary to buy all these stuff at once, but experiment with one or two device and then continue to buy others.

Some IOT and ROBOTICS begginners project :

  1. LED dimming , fading, blinking. (avilabe in the example code of the Arduino IDE)
  2. Peizo Element as mic and speaker.
  3. Simple IR sensor automated dustbin.
  4. 8 segment display control using arduino.
  5. LCD display time display clock.
  6. Servo based ROBOTIC Arm.
  7. Ir sensor based line following car.
  8. Ir sensor based object following car.
  9. SmartPhone controlled rc car.
  10. Smart auto home plantation using data from soil moisture sensor
  11. Automatic plant watering using soil moisture sensor and water pump

Now for Documentation And DATASHEET for your sensor and board just GOOGLE it or ask chatGPT to how to google it.

Some links for starting with RSS , NVIM and basics of linux file system.

  1. What is vim.

  2. What is NVIM

  3. Configure NVIM for your preference and ease of use

  4. Now after using NVIM for a while, configure it in lua ("Now , I am going to warn you , It's gonna be hard, but you go get this done and you will feel great")

  5. Fresh RSS for RSS feeds

    1. Why use RSS

    2. Why use RSS

    3. Make your own youtube

    4. RSS is a better way to use the Internet

    5. Fresh Rss

    6. Fresh Rss Documentation.

    7. Now the MOST easy way to set up RSS reader is , simply to get a domain name and a free hosting and install the app

      1. Register your domain name for free.
      2. Use infinityfree hosting for free hosting your RSS reader
      3. Install Fresh rss from infinityfree app softaculous app installer
  6. Read the book "The Linux Command Line by William Shotts (no starch press)" for linux command line familarization.

This Resource Repo will also get Frequent updates for additional and advanced resource information and topics. Also do not hesitate to make a Pull Request or Contribute to this repo.

I will be posting articles and videos related to IOT ROBOTICS, Hardware and Software shortly on my youtube channel , github and website

My Website

My Channel


Do Subscribe and Follow channel "Three Minutes Before" on Youtube and Instagram.

You will also be able to add my website to your RSS reader.

Thank You.