
can't run this project in my pc. showing errors.

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can't run this project in my pc. showing errors.

@MdAkdas Can you paste the screenshots of those errors here.

Python 3.6.9
Django 1.11.17

it's showing this error.

File "/home/akdas/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/", line 206, in get_connection_params
kwargs['port'] = int(settings_dict['PORT'])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'mysql-port>'

any idea??

I think you have given wrong port number for mysql. Can you paste your databases section from settings?

yea. I've given the wrong port number. :)

It is working now?

yea. but not showing the search results.

Screenshot from 2020-03-18 20-07-00

but database is showing in django admin.

Did you run python rebuild_index?

now it's running. Thank you so much. :)

If you don't mind, can I know for what purpose you are using this project?

I have to build a project using MySQL as back-end in my college. I was searching for the project ideas and then in got this.Teacher will not accept this project as they have prohibited use of any framework. Since i was learning Django, i thought it will be helpful for me.