
There are 68 repositories under whoosh topic.

  • whiskyechobravo/kerko

    A web application component that provides a faceted search interface for bibliographies managed with Zotero.

  • Pad0y/Django2_dailyfresh

    dailyfresh电商项目,替换django框架为2.X并重构,美化了下后台管理页面,提供docker版本,该项目包含了实际开发中的电商项目中大部分的功能开发和知识点实践, 是一个非常不错的django学习项目,同时也记录在替换框架中遇到的坑,希望对各位的学习有所帮助。

  • LennonChin/BlogBackendProject

    Backend code for my blogs, develop with Django Rest framework.

  • honmaple/flask-msearch

    Full text search for flask.

  • Manisha-Bayya/simple-django-project

    A simple Django project which uses MySQL as database. It has Signup, Login, Logout functionality. It lets you search for countries, cities, languages from the default mysql dump. Django's user table has been overridden to store user information.

  • cbess/text-sherlock

    Text (source code) search engine with indexer and a front end web interface to search. Uses Python 3.

  • fedora-copr/flask-whooshee

    Customizable Flask - SQLAlchemy - Whoosh integration

  • jonaprieto/flask-ponywhoosh

    A Flask full-text search engine

  • Sygil-Dev/whoosh-reloaded

    Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python.

  • assem-ch/alfanous

    Alfanous ( الفانوس ) is an Arabic search engine API provide the simple and advanced search in Quran , more features and many interfaces...

  • wagtail/wagtail-whoosh

    Search backend for Wagtail CMS using Whoosh engine.

  • mknz/mirusan

    A PDF collection reader with built-in full-text search engine

  • cardwizard/JupyterSearch

    Utility to help search within a set of jupyter notebooks

  • paulgoetze/elixir-python

    Examples for running Python code from Elixir

  • Espionage724/iivx

    Arduino Leonardo sketch for SOUND VOLTEX, DanceDanceRevolution, and pop'n music controllers (or any device with up to 9 buttons or 7 buttons + 2 encoders) with support for HID and Reactive lighting

  • darenr/python-whoosh-simple-example

    An example of how to use whoosh to index and search documents

  • jwflory/django-rit-grasa

    Django web application used by Greater Rochester After-School Alliance (GRASA) to improve access to after-school programs for youth in Monroe County, NY

  • bkechava-lilly/Muninn

    Knowledge indexing and search suite

  • mc-cat-tty/FulltextSearch

    Appunti del corso di Gestione dell'Informazione - Information Retrieval and Management. UniMoRe. 2023-2024.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4310
  • SnowyCoder/gamecompendium

    Every game in the palm of your hand!

  • mc-cat-tty/PlaceRank

    Final assigment for "Gestione dell'Informazione" ("Search Engines") course @ UniMoRe

    Language:Jupyter Notebook32141
  • Momo8289/Flask-SQLAlchemy-Whoosh

    A flask extension that adds full text search capabilites to your SQLAlchemy models using the Whoosh search engine

  • 0x090909/information_retrieval

    🔎 Implementation of a search engine 🔎 via Whoosh in python

  • acbarber/clinical-trials-search-engine

    Clinical trials search engine used for precision medicine

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • bjnandi/simple-django-project

    A simple Django project which uses MySQL as database. It has Signup, Login, Logout functionality. It lets you search for countries, cities, languages from the default mysql dump. Django's user table has been overridden to store user information.

  • domenicocinque/goodreads_searchengine

    A Flask app with a search engine for GoodReads books, featuring simple and neural search capabilities using Whoosh, Annoy and HuggingFace transformers.

  • fangweiren/Dailyfresh

    Django2.2.4 实战 - 天天生鲜项目,替换django1.8框架为2.2.4版本,并记录在替换过程中踩到的坑

  • JSnow11/nba-tracker

    Nba Tracker es una aplicación web que basa su contenido en datos de equipos y jugadores de la NBA. Este contenido se obtiene mediante el scrapping de las paginas web oficiales. El contenido es indexado mediante Whoosh y se pueden realizar búsquedas a gran velocidad. Además, en función de la navegación y búsquedas del usuario, se recomiendan ciertos jugadores y equipos que concuerdan con las estadísticas medias de las busquedas de los jugadores o con las etiquetas de los mismos.

  • RaffaeleTranfaglia/Steam-Search-Engine

    Search engine based on Steam's collection of games.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • sweatshoptech/idb

    Our Software Engineering Web Application Project

  • atasoglu/ProxyChatGPT

    A semantic search based QA implementation using ChatGPT conversations as proxy.

  • harmindersinghnijjar/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes-indexing-pipeline

    A pipeline to index and search through quiz questions.

  • keosariel/nairasearch

    A search engine that was used to index and search through 1.2million pages of nairaland

  • MarioCSilva/WebCrawler_and_Indexer

    This project builds a local index engine using Whoosh and SpaCy with the purpose of implementing a proof of concept AI type application that can index the content of websites. It also allows to perform search queries and make questions in plain English, and then it either displays relevant matching content or answers to the question.

  • stefanoghinelli/just-information-retrieval

    IR system built upon a corpus of open-access research papers. It ranks results using the Okapi BM25 algorithm
