Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python.
- ahrensm@philips-software
- ajslaterOakland, CA
- BiswarupG-Replayz
- bkisUniversity of Cologne
- brettkromkampNorway
- carlos22Germany
- cclaussChristian Clauss
- chitochi
- darfour
- darvid@atomweight
- dnth@zenml-io
- ezweltyZürich, Switzerland
- FWDavide@FutureWorkshops
- galeo
- gericktLa Paz
- gertvdijkStartMail
- gioboske
- greyliDell
- italanchan
- jancouver
- jbestBotanical Research Institute of Texas
- kmurray1000
- Leon0824
- markdimiCodebasegr
- MarkovskyMa
- montag
- pcisarIBPhoenix
- ragunyrasta
- raspiduinoVietnam
- roger-mahlerHumlab, Umeå University
- sbrunato@CS-SI
- so1nChina
- Sug2077
- woo1127
- ZeroCool940711@Sygil-Dev
- zkron