A web application component that provides a faceted search interface for bibliographies managed with Zotero.
- agucovaRethink Priorities
- amaroisÉcole Normale Supérieure de lyon (ENS de Lyon)
- bencwbrownUniversity of Edinburgh
- brunojmBrazil
- carlos-ggDecide4AI
- cezanne75TU Kaiserslautern
- dbs
- encima@supabase
- fjell-dev
- hobs0nUppsala, Schweden
- ingoboernerUniversity of Potsdam, Germany
- insanetesterftw
- jason-s-yu@CAHLR, Caltech GPS Research
- ju-w
- kathepUniversity of Nevada, Reno
- mhaeussermannGermany
- mraxilus
- murphy-a5
- nafergoViseu, Portugal
- ndandanovSofia, Bulgaria
- oxdc
- Patent2net
- persianphilosopher
- rdm3an
- sdfreeman
- sheldonxxdSJTU
- skahlBielefeld, Germany
- specter119
- tfiers
- theotheo@rudemath
- therareheroUnited States of America
- TylerSpears
- umeshmohanBangalore, India
- Zeqiang-LaiBeijing, China
- zhyang-dev
- zlf0625