
Perl5 modules in javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Perl5 modules in javascript


To make possible the use of Perl5 modules in Javascript code.

This is desirable for at least two reasons (in context of web development):

  1. Some functionality (e.g. validating forms, rendering templates) can be shared between the server and the browser/client, without the need to write and maintain it in two separate files in two separate languages
  2. Server-side functionality can be written in perl and run on any server-side javascript platform, such as nodejs, iojs, or meteor. This could be a legacy perl codebase, or complex functionality that would be longwinded to write and difficult to maintain in javascript.

This package is currently powered by Perlito, which transpiles perl to js (among other languages) but lacks a practical interface for using your transpiled code in javascript.


for use of the CLI

  1. Copy the contents of this repository to somewhere in your file system
  2. Add the ./bin directory to your PATH environment variable

for use of the API

  1. Copy the contents of this repository to somewhere in your project
  2. Add the ./lib directory to perl's search path with a use lib statement, somewhere before you use PerlToJs


the build process

The "bundle" operation will generate javascript code from the specified perl modules. Multiple bundles may be loaded in a javascript runtime.

The "interface" operation will simply output the javascript code to provide a convenient/usable interface to those modules. Only one copy of this is necessary in a javascript runtime.

using the CLI
$ perltojs.pl help

  perltojs.pl bundle <module>... [--include <directory>]... [--output <file>]
  perltojs.pl interface [--output <file>]
  perltojs.pl help [--output <file>]
  perltojs.pl version [--output <file>]

  --include <directory>         an @INC directory (any number allowed)
  --output <file>               the file to write to [default: STDOUT]
using the API

... See the CLI script for now

the PerlToJs interface

... See the perl dummy module and the javascript test for now


  • Perl5 v5.10.1 or higher



  • Enhanced documentation


  • Initial alpha release


  • support for including used packages in bundle

  • support use parent, use constant

  • support require

  • expose packages on perl, no need for pkg function

  • expose sub AND method methods on PerlPackage

  • require sub (or method) args to be in the form of a list (array or hash)

  • add PerlReference class

  • implement singular runtime+interface, include perlito compiler

  • bundle implicit dependencies (except for those in @external)

  • use CPAN standards for distribution packages

  • documentation

  • use node and or a headless browser for automated tests, use Travis CI

  • support commonj-esque (i.e. node & browserify) javascript module format