Menu Drawer
  • Syntax
   appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Popup"),),
   drawer: MainDrawer() # here  you have to defie  the  drawe view, # Drawer  is a widget where you will define the drawe view.
   body: MainView(),

AlertView / Dialog view

  • In flutter you can use alertview for iPhone using showCupertinoDialog widget and for Andriod you can use showDialog widget.
    • ShowCupertinoDialog Syntax
    • ShowCupertinoDialog contain mainly two property one is context and another is builder. The builder consist of CupertinoAlertDialog where it has title (title of the alert) and Content (Message description) , and list of actions where you can define CupertinoDialogAction buttons.
    • CupertinoDialogAction has many property where you can define the alert box cancel button ui.
showCupertinoDialog Syntax
  context: contex,      
  builder: (ctx) => CupertinoAlertDialog  
  content: Text("This is iOS alert !"),
  title: Text("iOS Alert !"),
  actions: <Widget>[
      child: Text("Cancel"),
      isDefaultAction: false,
      isDestructiveAction: false // make separate color of the alert
      onPressed: () {
        Navigator.pop(context); // for dismiss alertview
showDialog Syntax

Like wise showCupertinoDialog widget same for Android.That is showDialog. * showDialog has contain mainly two property one is context and another is builder. Where context you have pass the widget context and builder where you define the AlertDialog widget. * AlertDialog widget has title where you can defein the alert title and ccontext where you can define the dialog message and list of action where you can close and perform a Alert dialog.

        context: contex,
        builder: (ctx) => AlertDialog(content:Text("This is the alert view") ,title: Text("Alert"),
        actions: <Widget>[
        FlatButton(onPressed: (){
        }, child: Text("Ok")),
        FlatButton(onPressed: (){
        }, child: Text("Dismiss")),

Snack bar

  • Snackbar are basically used bottom of the view. Like showing message when user add or delete some thing.

    Snack Syntax
        content: Text("hello"), # Sanbar has the context where yiu can describe the message dec
        duration: Duration(seconds: 2), // duration how much time will the snackbar will display
        action: SnackBarAction(
          label: "Dismiss",
          onPressed: () {},


  • Cupertion action sheet is only for iPhone Ui.You can also for andriod. It is used for menu option.

  • Cupertion action sheet contain property like Alert, message and action,cancelButton where user destory the action sheet popup.

  • CupertinoActionSheetAction is the action buttion for alertsheet.

  • it has property call isDestructiveAction which is used for destruction of the popup.

    CupertinoActionSheetAction Syntax
          onPressed: () {
            print(" action 3 click");
          child: Text("Action 3"),
          isDefaultAction: true,
          isDestructiveAction: true, // used specificaly when user want to retive all 
    CupertinoActionSheet Syntax
      context: context,
       builder:(context) => CupertinoActionSheet(  # title of the action sheet
       title: Text(
        "Action Sheet",
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30),
      // message of the action sheet
       message: Text(
        "Select any section",
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15.0),
       actions: <Widget>[
          onPressed: () {
            print(" action 1 click");
          child: Text("Action 1"),
          isDefaultAction: true,
       cancelButton: CupertinoActionSheetAction(
            onPressed: () {
            print(" action 1 click");


  • Show buttom modal sheet is need when you need show some small info view from bottom showModalBottomSheet has ain property is context and builder.
  • Dismiss bottomsheet we use Navigator.(of).contex.dismiss
showModalBottomSheet Syntax
                context: context,
                builder: (context) => Container(
                      height: 300,
                      child: Text("Hello world"),


  • To show multiple option when user click on more icon the best option is PopupMenuButton
  • It is best way to show it in andriod.
  • It has PopupMenuItem where user can indentified value.
PopupMenuButton Syntax
        child: PopupMenuButton(
          onSelected: (FilterOption selectedValue) {
            // setState(() {
            //   if (selectedValue == FilterOption.FilterOptionFav) {
            //   } else {
            //   }
            // });
          icon: Icon(Icons.more_vert),
          itemBuilder: (_) => [
                child: Text("Only favorites"),
                value: FilterOption.FilterOptionFav),
                child: Text("Show All"),
                value: FilterOption.FilterOptionAll), // value are dynamic if you pass int then on select method you will identified by Int. best option us
                  enum .


* Show cupertino ModalPopup is used for showing popup for iPhone.
* It is used as modal in iOS device
showCupertinoModalPopup Syntax
   #this is used as a modal view in ios 
                 context: context,
                 builder: (context) => Container(
                       height: double.infinity,
                       width: double.infinity,
                       child: Text("Hello world"),
           child: Text("showCupertinoModalPopup")


  • For menu option in ios we are using cupertino ContextMenu.
  • CupertinoContextMenu has CupertinoContextMenuAction whser user can make selection.
  • It has actions and child where child context is used to makethe view and the actions are used to perform task. It is only used for iPhone
    CupertinoContextMenu Syntax
           height: 40,
           child: CupertinoContextMenu(
             child: Container(
               child: Text(
             actions: <Widget>[
                 child: const Text("Action 1"),
                 onPressed: () {},
                 child: const Text("Action 2"),
                 onPressed: () {},
                 child: const Text("Action 3"),
                 onPressed: () {},