
Here is a default location for any articles or blog posts written by Prof Cyber Naught. These could be posted on other platforms such as personal blogs, guest posts and articles, and social media platforms such as Mastodon.


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ProfCyberNaught of Cybernaught Industries

Cybersecurity Blog Posts


Here is a default repository for any articles or blog posts written by ProfCyberNaught. These could be posted on other platforms such as personal blogs, guest posts/articles, and social media platforms such as Mastodon.

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Table of Contents

  1. About Cybersecurity Blog Posts
  2. Cybersecurity Blog Posts
  3. Licensing Rights
  4. Contact
  5. Attributions

About the Cybersecurity Blog Posts

ProfCyberNaught of Cybernaught Industries

Maintaining a blog focused on cybersecurity, security, and privacy is an admirable pursuit. In today's increasingly connected world, the need for individuals and organisations to secure their digital assets has never been more pressing. Cybersecurity threats can come in many forms, from phishing emails to sophisticated hacking attempts, and the consequences of a breach can be devastating. By sharing our knowledge and experience in this area, we are helping to educate and empower others to take proactive steps to protect themselves.

But it's not just about protecting your own data. The open-source community is built on the idea of collaboration and sharing, and this ethos extends to the realm of cybersecurity. By sharing information about vulnerabilities and exploits, security researchers and software developers can work together to improve the security of digital systems for everyone. This is especially important given the rapid pace of technological change; new threats are constantly emerging, and a collaborative approach is the best way to stay ahead of them.

Of course, there are also personal benefits to maintaining a blog in this area. Cybersecurity is a dynamic field, and staying up to date on the latest trends and developments is essential for anyone working in the industry. By researching and writing about these topics, we are not only sharing our knowledge with others but also deepening our own understanding and expertise.

So, whether you are a cybersecurity professional, a tech enthusiast, or simply someone who values their online privacy, our blogs are important contributions to the open-source community. We keep up the good work, and hope that our efforts are making a difference in the fight against cybercrime.

Contributions Made:

This project is running to support those new to the GitHub platform and are wishing to learn how to carry out certain tasks. This means, people who are new to the platform and need some help, can folk the repository, copy an article over from the main website, and submit their first or beginner pull request.

By contributing does not mean those people have co-authored the Cybersecurity Blog Posts. All blog posts were written by ProfCyberNaught, and copyright remains with ProfCyberNaught.

If you wish to contribute to this project: Contribution Documents

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A List of Cybersecurity Blog Posts in this repository:

These articles may not have been listed in order of being published, and some may still need to be copied over from the main website.

The attribution column represents those contributors who copied the data over from the main website to this repository.

All articles were written by ProfCyberNaught over on the main website.

Title Blog Link GitHub Link Copied By
Why Become A Cybersecurity Engineer? Link Link ProfCyberNaught
Bio-Neural Circuitry: Voyager's Shield Against the Borg – Modern Cyber Warfare Link Link ProfCyberNaught
Cybersecurity: Navigating the Digital Landscape Link Link ProfCyberNaught
An Overview of Leet (1337) Speak: History, Usage, and Implications Link Link ProfCyberNaught
Coding Focus: Programming or Scripting Languages - What is the Difference? Link Link ProfCyberNaught
Cybersecurity: What is Malware? Link Link Mannuel25 & ProfCyberNaught
Cybersecurity: Which Operating System for Security and Privacy? Windows, Mac, or Linux Link Link saiaungkyawmaw & ProfCyberNaught
Cybersecurity: What Colour Hacker Would You Be? Link Link ProfCyberNaught

Cybersecurity Blog - ProfCyberNaught

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Licensing Rights

For licensing information and usage, please refer to the LICENSE.md document within this repository:

License Information

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Mastodon: @profcybernaught

Encrypted Email: profcybernaught - Proton - me

Public Email Key: Public Encryption Key

Website Link: https://profcybernaught.hashnode.dev/

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This Cybersecurity Blog Posts project was created by @ProfCyberNaught. This project has been distributed via the @ProfCyberNaught GitHub repository found by visiting the following link: Cybersecurity Blog Posts - ProfCyberNaught - GitHub Repository


  • All Posts Written By: ProfCyberNaught
  • First Published: Master Blog Website: Cybersecurity Blog
  • Copyright Owner: ProfCyberNaught
  • Contributors: No contributor gains any copyright by copying blog posts into this project

If you decide to use this project, please do leave the attribution comments intact or add them to your project.

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