As a team of 4 we participated in the MetroHacks 2022 hackathon where the aim was to create a project on a prototype for a solution to a current problem within the Healthcare sector. Medical Guardian was the name of the solution that our team came up with.
The app aims to:
- search reliable info on medicine
- make sure only suitable medicine is returned
- it is available
- the restrictions do not contradict the patient's allergies and such
Use Cases:
- As a doctor I want to get and delete information about a piece medicine so I can have up to date data base with medicines
- As a doctor I want to edit only "comment" field information about a medicine so I can add useful information to my data
- As a doctor I want to see a table with picked medicine with important fields like name of medicine, contraindications, dose, etc. so I can see save more time to be more attentionable for kids and parents needs
- As a parent I want the doctor to be less burocracy so my child can get as much attention to my kid as possible
- As a kid I want the doctor to be a professional so he/she can help me with my issues and better provide treatment
- As a part of hospital managment I want doctors to be more productive during a day and have good metrics so my bosses will recognise our productivity