
JWT authentication service using nestjs, mysql, docker

Primary LanguageTypeScript


NestJS JWT authentication service using NestJS, Docker and MySQL. It can be used as a JWT Auth Microservice or can be used as starter repository for an API project.


  • Pre-Requisite

    • For dockerized environment we need
      • docker,
      • docker-compose installed.
    • To run API server without Docker we need
      • Node.js (>= 10.13.0) installed,
      • Dependency manager yarn installed,
      • Nestjs CLI nest installed (follow here) and
      • MySQL server running
  • Configuration

    • In application root, create .env copying form example env file env.example.
    • An example env file contains
      • MySQL credentials for the dockerized environment. For non-docker setup, update MySQL credentials here.
      • Password encription salt and JWT secret key values. Change them with some secret values.
  • Run API

    • For Docker: Up docker-compose, this will create a docker container with the database with the given name in env.
    $ docker-compose up --build
    • For non-docker run install dependencies and run nodejs API server
    $ yarn
    $ yarn run start
  • API Documentation

    $ yarn run start:api-doc
  • API With above steps done, API should be up and running


  • TypeORM CLI used to manage DB migration. ORM configurations are available in the orm.config.ts file.
  • Migration auto-synchronization is set to true in development environment, and false in other environments.
  • To create a new empty migration file, use migration:create command.
$ yarn migration:create -n createUsers
  • TypeORM can generate a migration file from changed entity files comparing with the database. To generate a populated migration file from entity files, use migration:generate command
$ yarn migration:generate -n createUsers
  • To run DB migration:
$ yarn migration:run
  • To rollback migration:
$ yarn migration:revert

Read more about TypeORM migration [here][https://typeorm.io/#/migrations]

Running Test

yarn test or npm run test

Contribution Guidelines

Feel free to submit issues or PRs. You can checkout the coding style guide before submitting the PRs. Link is here.

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