Full Stack Deep Learning


The Full Stack brings people together to learn and share best practices across the entire lifecycle of an AI-powered product: from defining the problem and picking a GPU or foundation model to production deployment and continual learning to user experience design.

Course: Full Stack Deep Learning 2022

Week Lecture Resources Note Completion
1 Note
2 Course Vision and When to Use ML
3 Development Infrastructure & Tooling
4 Troubleshooting & Testing
5 Data Management
6 Deployment
7 Continual Learning
8 Foundation Models
9 ML Teams and Project Management
10 Ethics
11 Project Presentation

Course: LLM Bootcamp - Spring 2023

S.N Lectures Resources Completion
1 Learn to Spell
2 LLMOps
3 UX for Language User Interfaces
4 Augmented Language Models
5 Launch an LLM App in One Hour
6 LLM Foundations
7 Project Walkthrough
8 What's Next?