
An android application designed to counter the impacts of climate change. It consists of challenges, rewards and helps spread awareness on environmental concerns.

Primary LanguageDart

Project Aasha ~ Every Contribution Counts!



  1. E-Challenges : Various Challenges and Tasks that one can take up to address environmental concerns.
  2. Rewards : Based on the performance in the E-Challeneges, the users will be evaluated and a leaderboard will be maintained. (Individual & Region-wise)
  3. Awareness : Using the Twitter Bot (AashaBot), one will be notified on the latest happenings that relate to environmental concerns.
  4. Analysis : Visualisation of various environmental factors that affect the planet, region-wise.
  5. Multilingual : To increase the reach of the application to rural areas, the application is avaliable in mutiple languages for convenience.

Tech Stack

  1. Flutter
  2. Firestore as Database

For AashaBot:

  1. Python
  2. Twitter API

Aasha Bot Demo

Application Prototype

Made with ❤️ to save our planet 🌏