
  1. SQL_Project_Music_Store_Analysis

SQL project to analyze online music store data

Database and Tools:- Postgre SQL, PgAdmin4 | Schema- Music Store Database

  1. SQL_Project_Indian_Census_Analysis

SQL project to analyze Indian Census Data

Database and Tools:- MySql, SQL WorkBench | Schema - Indian Census Database | Tables - Data1 & Data2 (Table names as per the mentioned csv DataSet Files)

  1. SQL_Project_Zomato_Analysis

SQL project to analyze Zomato Data

Database and Tools:- MySql, SQL WorkBench | Schema - Zomato Database | Tables - goldusers_signup, product, sales, users

  1. SQL_Project_Organization_Analysis

Database and Tools:- MySql, SQL WorkBench | Schema - Org Database | Tables - worker, bonus, title