
  • First of all: work in progress
  • Second, you config should be in roles/homeassistant/files/config

in a seperate repo you will need to create your config. To make the hassbian part work add the following file in /etc/ansible/facts.d/hassbian

  "hassbian": true

Inventory file

For ansible you need an inventory file I use something simmilar to this:

pi ansible_host=hostip ansible_user=pi  ansible_ssh_common_args="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" ansible_password=guess

How to run it

This is what I use

ansible-playbook -i inventory --limit pi  config.yml -k

Centos on Raspberry PI

short answer no

Long answer: as you need Python3.x, you need software collections and they are not available on Centos 7 for armhf


  • Add a call to the HA websocket when needed, saves some time
  • Libcec and other optionals with parameters instead of always

Pull requests