

Primary LanguageCSS


A website for movies which includes different categories like genere, actors, directors, IMDB ratings etc.

Current features

  • View top 10 rated movies on homepage. (With title, poster, IMDB rating, genre and director)
  • View full details of any movie by clicking on it. (Title, storyline, poster, IMDB rating, genre, director, actor list, duration, release year, country of origin, language, etc.)

Upcoming features

  • Pagination. (Database consists of over 100 movies)
  • Sorting and filtering according to rating, genre, language, actors, director, etc.


Create a new Firebase project

Head over to your firebase console and click on Add Project.
Choose a suitable name, and follow the instuctions on the screen to set up the project.

Dependency Installation

Run the following in the root directory of the project.

npm install

Firebase CLI and the other dependencies are now installed in your system.

Firebase Project Initialization

First, you need to login to the Firebase CLI using:

firebase login

To initialise the project on firebase, run the following in the root directory of the project.

firebase init 

Answer the questions served by the CLI as mentioned below.

? Are you ready to proceed? (Y/n) 

? Which Firebase CLI features do you want to set up for this folder? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choices. 

? What do you want to use as your public directory? 

Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? 

? File public/index.html already exists. Overwrite?


Firebase has now been initialised on this project.

Firebase Configuration

Head over to your firebase console and click on The project you created.
Create a new web app, and follow the instuctions on the screen to set up the project.

Create a new file in the root of your project firebaseConfig.json and paste in your config object.


Live testing

Navigate to the the root of the repository, and execute the following in a terminal.

npm start

Source Building

Navigate to the the root of the repository, and execute the following in a terminal.

npm run build

Serving locally

Navigate to the the root of the repository, and execute the following in a terminal.

npm run serve

Click the link generated in the console to view the locally served app.


Deploying on firebase

Navigate to the the root of the repository, and execute the following in a terminal.

npm run deploy

Click the link generated in the console to view the hosted app.

Live Demo

You can access the project's live demo here


  • 42996303117 (Ayushi)
  • 43096303117 (Lakshita Malhotra)
  • 43196303117 (Mansehej Singh)
  • 43296303117 (Gaurav Jain)
  • 43396303117 (Puneet Mehandiratta)